Farmasi |
No - No. ISBN - Judul - Pengarang - Penerbit - Harga
1 - 9780071637886 - 2011 Clinician'S Pocket Drug Reference - Gomella - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 209.000
2 - 9780323084819 - 2013 Intravenous Medications 29Ed (Spiral) - Gahart - Elsevier - Rp. 883.000
3 - 9781609137113 - Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy 10Ed+Atlas Of Medication - Frandsen - Wolters Kluwer Health - Rp. 1.178.000
4 - 9781585282609 - Ahfs Drug Information 2011 - - - Rp. 5.490.000
5 - 9781469855684 - Ansel'S Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms & 10Ed - Allen - Wolters Kluwer Health - Rp. 945.000
6 - 9789814670241 - Applied Biopharmaceutics & Pharma 7Ed - Shargel - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 543.000
7 - 9781259011115 - Applied Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics 6Ed:(Ie) - Shargel - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 520.000
8 - 9781259251412 - Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics 3Ed - Bauer - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 520.000
9 - 9781259255151 - Applied Physical Pharmacy 2Ed (Ie) - Amiji - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 441.000
10 - 9780443101076 - Aulton'S Pharmaceutics 3Ed : The Design And Manufacture Of Medicines - Aulton - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 492.000
11 - 9780702042911 - Aulton'S Pharmaceutics 4Ed:(Ie) - Aulton - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 804.000
12 - 9781259009327 - Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 12Ed :Int'L Edition (Lange) - Katzung - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 433.000
13 - 9781259252907 - Basic And Clinical Pharmacology 13Ed (Ie) - Katzung - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 498.000
14 - 9780323310697 - Calculation Of Drug Dosage 10Ed: Work Text - Ogden - Elsevier - Rp. 1.484.000
15 - 9781259255359 - Casarett & Doull'S Essentials Of Toxi 4Ed - Klaasen - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 656.000
16 - 9780071742740 - Casarett & Doull'S Essentials Of Toxicology 2Ed - Klaassen - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 435.000
17 - 9780071769235 - Casarett & Doull'S Toxicology 8Ed - Klaassen - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 1.665.000
18 - 9781259072390 - Case Files Pharmacology 3Ed:(Ie) (Lange) - Toy - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 328.000
19 - 9780071488587 - Case Files: Pharmacology 2Ed - Toy - Mcgraw-Hill Medical - Rp. 509.000
20 - 9780071278171 - Case Files:Pharmacology 2Ed - Toy - Mcgraw-Hill Medical - Rp. 197.000
21 - 9780323036580 - Clinical Chemistry 5Ed : Theory Analysis Correlation - Kaplan - Mosby Elsevier - Rp. 1.115.000
22 - 9781451109009 - Clinical Chemistry 6Ed : Techniques, Principles, Correlations - Bishop - Wolters Kluwer Health - Rp. 747.000
23 - 9780723437031 - Clinical Chemistry 7Ed - Marshall - Mosby Elsevier - Rp. 951.000
24 - 9781451189193 - Clinical Chemistry 7Ed: Principles, Techniques (Ie) - Bishop - Wolters Kluwer Health - Rp. 1.257.000
25 - 9780723437048 - Clinical Chemistry 7Ed:Int'L Edition - Marshall - Mosby Elsevier - Rp. 464.000
26 - 9789380704906 - Clinical Chemistry Made Easy - Vasudevan - Jaypee - Rp. 454.000
27 - 9780443071966 - Clinical Chemistry: Made Easy - Hughes - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 231.000
28 - 9780721606934 - Clinical Management Of Poisoning & Drug Overdose 4Ed - Shannon - Saunders Elsevier - Rp. 3.382.000
29 - 9780781750097 - Clinical Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics, 4Ed : Cincepts & Applications - Rowland - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - Rp. 860.000
30 - 9780808924319 - Clinical Pharmacology 11Ed:(Ie) - Bennett - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 481.000
31 - 9780071736169 - Clinical Pharmacology For Anesthesia - Johnson - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 1.631.000
32 - 9780702042942 - Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics 5Ed (Ie) - Walker - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 724.000
33 - 9780071781626 - Clinician'S Pocket Drug Reference 2012 - Gomella - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 220.000
34 - 9780071791779 - Clinicians Pocket Drug Reference 2013 - Gomella - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 314.000
35 - 9781259252938 - Clinician'S Pocket Drug Reference 2015 - Gomella - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 271.000
36 - 9780071286565 - Clinician'S Pocket Drug Reference: Famous Scut Monkey Drug Ma - Gomella - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 163.000
37 - 9780723438519 - Crash Course Pharmacology 4Ed - Battista - Mosby Elsevier - Rp. 860.000
38 - 9780723436300 - Crash Course:Pharmacology 4Ed - Battista - Mosby Elsevier - Rp. 804.000
39 - 9780323316590 - Drug Calculations 10Ed: Ration & Proportion - Seltzer - Elsevier - Rp. 1.638.000
40 - 9780071768191 - Drug Information 4Ed:A Guide For Pharmacists Int'L Edition - Malone - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 350.000
41 - 9781259255557 - Drug Information 5Ed: Guide For Pharmacists - Malone - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 475.000
42 - 9781591952923 - Drug Information Hdbk 20Ed: With Int'L Trade Names Index - Lacy - Apha - Rp. 1.372.000
43 - 9780521111706 - Drug Resistance In Cancer: Mechanisms And Models - Goldie - Cambridge University Press - Rp. 690.000
44 - 9781416040132 - Drugs For Pregnant And Lactating Women 2 - Weiner - Elsevier Saunders - Rp. 1.427.000
45 - 9788131220764 - Drugs For The Heart 7Ed - Opie - Saunders Elsevier - Rp. 254.000
46 - 9780323074452 - Elsevier'S Integrated Review Pharmacology 2Ed - Kester - Elsevier Saunders - Rp. 679.000
47 - 9780824707521 - Encyclopedia Of Clinical Pharmacy - Dipiro - Taylor & Francis - Rp. 6.067.000
48 - 9781609137045 - Essential Cancer Pharmacology:The Prescriber'S Guide Hdbk - Butler - Wolters Kluwer Health - Rp. 804.000
49 - 9780443104039 - Essential Chemistry For Aromatherapy 2Ed - Clarke - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 520.000
50 - 9780470665343 - Essential Microbiology For Pharmacy - Hanlon - Wiley-Blackwell - Rp. 496.000
51 - 9780443062414 - Essential Oil Safety 2Ed - Tisserand - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 1.824.000
52 - 9780123985392 - Fighting Multidrug Resistance : With Herbal Extracts - Rai - Academic Press - Rp. 1.767.000
53 - 9781848167445 - Final Hurdle:Single Best Answers In Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics - Dholakia - Icp - Rp. 379.000
54 - 9780702052163 - Foundations Of Chinese Medicine 3Ed : Comprehensive - Maciocia - Elsevier - Rp. 3.184.000
55 - 9780781768795 - Foye'S Principles Of Medicinal Chemistry 6Ed - Lemke - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - Rp. 860.000
56 - 9780071287401 - Goldfrank'S Manual Of Toxicologic Emergencies - Hoffman - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 362.000
57 - 9780071801843 - Goldfrank'S Toxicologic Emergencies 10Ed - Hoffman - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 4.827.000
58 - 9780071792882 - Goodman & Gilman'S Manual Of Pharma 2Ed (Ie) - Hilal-Dandan - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 584.000
59 - 9780071769174 - Goodman & Gilman'S Manual Of Pharmaco 2Ed - Dandan - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 1.053.000
60 - 9780071104432 - Goodman & Gilman'S Manual Of Pharmacology & Therapeutics - Brunton - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 356.000
61 - 9780071624428 - Goodman & Gilman'S Pharma Basis Of Thera 12Ed - Brunton - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 1.506.000
62 - 9781451193459 - Handbook Of Applied Therapeutics 9Ed - Sweet - Wolters Kluwer Health - Rp. 1.965.000
63 - 9780071124454 - Handbook Of Clinical Drug Data 10Ed - Anderson - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 294.000
64 - 9781582121604 - Handbook Of Nonprescription Drugs 17Ed - Krinsky - Apha - Rp. 3.150.000
65 - 9780071813501 - Katzung & Trevor'S Pharmacology 10Ed (Ie) - Trevor - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 458.000
66 - 9780071813501 - Katzung & Trevor'S Pharmacology 10Ed (Ie) - Trevor - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 435.000
67 - 9781259255335 - Katzung & Trevor'S Pharmacology 11Ed: Examination - Katzung - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 486.000
68 - 9780071082013 - Katzung & Trevor'S Pharmacology 9Ed (Ie): Examination - Trevor - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 366.000
69 - 9780323355919 - Kryger'S Sleep Medicine Review 2Ed: Problem Oriented - Kryger - Elsevier - Rp. 1.824.000
70 - 9780071271189 - Lange Basic And Clinical Pharmacology 11Ed - Katzung - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 339.000
71 - 9781451143201 - Lippincott'S Illustrated Reviews Pharmacology 5Ed - Harvey - Lippincott - Rp. 562.000
72 - 9781605472003 - Lippincott'S Illustrated Reviews:Pharmacology 4Ed - Harvey - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - Rp. 407.000
73 - 9781841848051 - Litt'S D.E.R.M.17Ed 2011: Drug Eruptions & Reactions Manual - Litt - Informa Healthcare - Rp. 3.184.000
74 - 9780443102912 - Master Medicine 3Ed:Medical Pharmacology - Constable - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 367.000
75 - 9780071640145 - Mcgraw-Hill'S I.V.Drug Handbook - Schull - Mcgraw-Hill Medical - Rp. 356.000
77 - 9780702051807 - Medical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 4Ed - Waller - Saunders Elsevier - Rp. 1.540.000
78 - 9780824723170 - Microencapsulation 2Ed :Methods And Industrial Applicati - Benita - Taylor & Francis - Rp. 3.184.000
79 - 9780323086424 - Mosby'S 2013 Nursing Drug Reference 26Ed - Skidmore - Elsevier - Rp. 577.000
80 - 9780323278010 - Mosby'S 2015 Nursing Drug Reference 28Ed - Skidmore-Roth - Elsevier - Rp. 804.000
81 - 9780323370240 - Mosby'S 2016 Nursing Drug Reference:29Ed - Skidmore - Elsevier - Rp. 860.000
82 - 9780323077378 - Mosby'S Drug Reference For Health 4Ed - Mosby - Elsevier - Rp. 815.000
83 - 9780323311038 - Mosby'S Drug Reference For Health 5Ed - Mosby - Elsevier - Rp. 917.000
84 - 9780323072953 - Natural Standard : Herb & Supplement Guide An Evidence-Based Reference - Ulbricht - Mosby Elsevier - Rp. 917.000
85 - 9780323220910 - Netter'S Illustrated Pharmacology - Raffa - Elsevier Saunders - Rp. 962.000
86 - 9780323187114 - Nurse,The Math,The Meds 3Ed - Mulholland - Elsevier - Rp. 781.000
87 - 9780763722531 - Patient Education Guide To Oncology Drugs - Wilkes - Jones And Bartlett Publishers - Rp. 3.511.000
88 - 9781451186802 - Pharmaceutical Calculations 14Ed:(Ie) - Ansel - Wolters Kluwer Health - Rp. 1.155.000
89 - 9780781763103 - Pharmaceutical Calculations For The Pharmacy Technician - Lacher - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - Rp. 1.030.000
90 - 9780443072338 - Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Watson - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 549.000
91 - 9780443069093 - Pharmaceutical Practice 4Ed (International Edition) - Winfield - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 894.000
92 - 9780702051449 - Pharmaceutical Practice 5Ed:(Ie) - Rees - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 889.000
93 - 9780123868909 - Pharmaceutics : Basic Principles & Application - Dash - Academic Press - Rp. 719.000
94 - 9781451175356 - Pharmachology 6Ed:Board Review Series - Rosenfeld - Wolters Kluwer Health - Rp. 611.000
95 - 9780071741699 - Pharmacogenomics An Introduction And Cli - Bertino - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 1.064.000
96 - 9781437716795 - Pharmacology & Physiology For Anesthesia - Hemmings - Elsevier Saunders - Rp. 2.532.000
97 - 9789812728654 - Pharmacology & The Nursing Process 6Ed - Lilley - Mosby Elsevier - Rp. 645.000
98 - 9781416032915 - Pharmacology & Therapeutics : Principles To Practice - Waldman - Saunders Elsevier - Rp. 1.833.000
99 - 9781455702824 - Pharmacology 4Ed - Brenner - Elsevier Saunders - Rp. 1.064.000
100 - 9781455772339 - Pharmacology 8Ed+Study Guide: Patient-Centered - Kee - Elsevier - Rp. 2.130.000
101 - 9798181471474 - Pharmacology And Therapeutics For Dentstry 5Ed - Yagiela - Elsevier - Rp. 441.000
102 - 9780443067730 - Pharmacology Condensed 2Ed - Haylett - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 333.000
103 - 9788131219522 - Pharmacology For Nurses 6Ed (Cd) - Kee - Saunders Elsevier - Rp. 452.000
104 - 9781437707571 - Pharmacology For Rehabilitation Profesional - Gladson - Elsevier Saunders - Rp. 747.000
105 - 9781416025405 - Pharmacology Principles & Applications 2Ed - Fulcher - Saunders Elsevier - Rp. 894.000
106 - 9780071488358 - Pharmacotheraphy Casebook 7Ed: Patient-Focused Approach - Schwinghammer - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 384.000
107 - 9780071800532 - Pharmacotherapy 9Ed : Pathophysiologic Approach - Dipiro - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 2.560.000
108 - 9789814581387 - Pharmacotherapy Casebook 9Ed (Ie): Patient-Focused - Schwinghammer - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 566.000
109 - 9780071640183 - Pharmacotherapy Handbook 7Ed - Wells - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 339.000
110 - 9781259252525 - Pharmacotherapy Handbook 9Ed (Ie) - Wells - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 441.000
111 - 9780071780469 - Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice 3Ed - Burns - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 3.014.000
112 - 9780853692416 - Pharmacy History:Pictorial Record - - - Rp. 407.000
113 - 9780763781293 - Pharmacy Practice & The Law 6Ed - Abood - Jones And Bartlett Publishers - Rp. 2.401.000
114 - 9780071104692 - Poisoning & Drug Overdose 5Ed - Olson - Lange - Rp. 430.000
115 - 9781259072345 - Pre Test Pharmacology 14Ed - Shlafer - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 226.000
116 - 9780071262873 - Pre Test:Pharmacology 12Ed - Shlafer - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 265.000
117 - 9780521743990 - Prescriber'S Guide 3Ed ; Stahl'S Essential Psychopharmacology - Stahl - Cambridge University Press - Rp. 917.000
118 - 9780521743969 - Prescriber'S Guide 3Ed,The: Antidepressants - Stahl - Cambridge University Press - Rp. 464.000
119 - 9780849337789 - Principles & Methods Of Toxicology 5Ed - Hayes - Informa Healthcare - Rp. 2.270.000
120 - 9781455703180 - Principles & Practice Of Pediatric Sleep 2Ed - Sheldon - Elsevier Saunders - Rp. 1.824.000
121 - 9780132787642 - Psychopharmacology - Ettinger - Prentice Hall - Rp. 396.000
122 - 9781437719338 - Rang & Dale'S Pharmacology 7Ed :Int'L Edition - Rang - Elsevier - Rp. 1.016.000
123 - 9780702053634 - Rang & Dale'S Pharmacology 8Ed (Ie) - Rang - Elsevier - Rp. 1.134.000
124 - 9780702059575 - Rang & Dale'S Pharmacology Flashcards - Dale - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 832.000
125 - 9780808923541 - Rang And Dale'S Pharmacology 6Ed - Rang - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 492.000
126 - 9780323068123 - Rapid Review Pharmacology 3Ed - Pazdernik - Elsevier Mosby - Rp. 379.000
127 - 9780750675635 - Review Of Sleep Medicine 2Ed - Barkoukis - Elsevier - Rp. 1.087.000
128 - 9781451188950 - Roach'S Introductory Clin Pharmaco 10Ed+Atlas Of Medication - Ford - Wolters Kluwer Health - Rp. 1.064.000
129 - 9780071788755 - Roadmap To Postgraduate Training In Pharmacy - Bookstaver - Mc.Graw Hill - Rp. 1.059.000
130 - 9780750675840 - Sleep Disorders Medicine 3Ed : Basic Science, Technical Considerations And Clinical Aspects - Chokroverty - Saunders Elsevier - Rp. 2.107.000
131 - 9781455739332 - Sleep Medicine Clinics No.1 Vl.7 March 2012:Sleep-Related - Grigg-Damberger - Saunders - Rp. 1.389.000
132 - 9781455770519 - Sleep Medicine Pearls 3Ed - Berry - Elsevier Saunders - Rp. 1.223.000
133 - 9780521758529 - Stahl'S Illustrated:Antidepressants - Stahl - Cambridge University Press - Rp. 520.000
134 - 9781605475493 - Stoelting'S Handbook Of Pharmacology 3Ed - Stoelting - Wolters Kluwer Health - Rp. 917.000
135 - 9780763777692 - Tarascon Pharmaco 2010 Profes Desk Ref - Hamilton - Jones And Bartlett Publishers - Rp. 973.000
136 - 9780763774394 - Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia 2010 Classic - Hamilton - Jones And Bartlett Publishers - Rp. 429.000
137 - 9781118344866 - Textbook Of Pharmacoepidemiology 2Ed - Strom - Wiley-Blackwell - Rp. 591.000
138 - 9780781757348 - Textbook Of Therapeutics 8Ed:Drug & Disease Mgmt - Helms - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - Rp. 2.220.000
139 - 9780721638652 - Tietz Fundamentals Of Clinical Chemistry 6Ed - Burtis - Saunders Elsevier - Rp. 1.172.000
140 - 9788131213742 - Tietz Fundamentals Of Clinical Chemistry 6Ed - Burtis - Saunders Elsevier - Rp. 430.000
141 - 9781416061649 - Tietz Textbook Of Clin Chemistry & Mol Diag 5Ed - Burtis - Elsevier - Rp. 3.506.000
142 - 9780702055164 - Top 100 Drugs:Clinical Pharmacology & Practice - Hitchings - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 520.000
143 - 9780729542241 - Toxicology Handbook 3Ed - Murray - Elsevier - Rp. 1.682.000
144 - 9780702043529 - Traditional Chinese Medicine Cupping Thera 3Ed - Chirali - Elsevier - Rp. 1.461.000
145 - 9780702029349 - Trease And Evans Pharmacognosy 16Ed - Evans - Saunders Elsevier - Rp. 464.000
146 - 9780443069741 - Treating Autoimmune Disease W/Chinese Medicine - Hou - Churchill Livingstone - Rp. 1.370.000
147 - 9781455739769 - Understanding Pharmacology 2Ed - Workman - Elsevier - Rp. 1.285.000
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