Remote sensing of coastal environments
Radar remote sensing of urban areas The global positioning system and arcGIS
The global positioning system; Introduction to GPS
Satellite rainfall applications for surface hydrology
Advances in land remote sensing; System, modeling, inversion and application
Applied remote sensing for urban planning , governance and sustainability
Assesing the accuracy of remotely sensed data
Environmental modelling with GIS and remote sensing
Fundamentals of satellite remote sensing
High performance computing in remote sensing
Hyperspectral remote sensing of tropical [sub] forests_w/CD-ROM
Image analysis, classification and change detection in remote sensing
Image analysis, classification and change detection in remote sensing with algorithms for ENVI/IDL
Image processing for remote sensing
Introduction to; Microwave remote sensing
Introduction to remote sensing
Remotely sensed cities
Remote sensing for biodiversity and wildlife management; Synthesis and applications
Remote sensing of global croplands for food security
Remote sensing and GIS intyegration; Theories, methods and applications
Remote sensing & geographical information systems
Remote sensing & urban analysis
Remote sensing & GIS accuracy assesment
Remote sensing for sustainable forest management
Signal & image processing for remote sensing
Thermal remote sensing inland surface processes
Uncertainty in remote sensing & GIS
Urban remote sensing
Signal processing for remote sensing
Principles of map design
Global mapping of human settlement; Experiences, datasets & prospects_w/CD-ROM
Fundamentals of spatial data quality
Graph and networks [ Multi level modeling ]; Geographical information systems series
Geospatial technology for earth observation
Geospatial visual analysis; Geographical information processing & visual analytics..
Manual of geospatial science and technology
Regional and urban GIS; A decision support approach
Programming a rc objects with VBA [ Visual basic for applications ]; A task oriented approach_w/CD-ROM
GIS applications in agriculture_w/CD-ROM
GIS for environmantal decision making
GIS & crime mapping
GIS cartography; A guide to effective map design
GIS, environmantal modeling & engineering
GIS diffusion [ GIS data 3 ]
Geographic information systems in water resources engineering
Geographic information and cartography for risk and crisis management; Towards better solutions
Foundations for the geo-web; [ GML ] Geography mark-up language_w/CD-ROM
Fuzzy surfaces in GIS & geographical analysis_w/CD-ROM