Stok Buku Biologi

Buku Biologi

Buku Biologi

No -  ISBN -  Judul -  Penulis -  Penerbit -Harga

1 -  9780071284493 -  Animal Diversity 5Ed -  Hickman -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.480.000
2 -  9781259095559 -  Animal Diversity 7Ed -  Hickman -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.456.000
3 -  9780691115511 -  Aquatic Photosynthesis 2Ed -  Falkowski --Rp. 943.000
4 -  9781118107669 -  Bacteria:The Benign,The Bad,& The Beautiful -  Wassenaar -  Wiley-Blackwell -Rp.491.000
5 -  9781259252167 -  Benson'S Microbiological Applications 13Ed -  Brown -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.435.000
6 -  9781444333022 -  Biological Oceanography 2Ed -  Miller -  Wiley-Blackwell -Rp. 644.000
7 -  0890543135 -  Biological Pollution An Emerging Global Menace/04 -  Britton -  Alkem Company (S) Private Limi -Rp.1.410.000
8 -  9781111831004 -  Biological Psychology 11Ed  -  Kalat -  Wadsworth Cengage Learning  -Rp.638.000
9 -  9780321546210 -  Biological Science 3Ed -  Freeman -  Pearson Benjamin Cummings -Rp.441.000
10 -  9780071102001 -  Biology  -  Brooker -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.316.000
11 -  9780123978998 -  Biology & Identification Of The Coccidia (Apicomplexa) -  Duszynski -  Academic Press -Rp.1.330.000
12 -  9781259080814 -  Biology 10Ed -  Raven -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.390.000
13 -  9781292008653 -  Biology 10Ed:Global Approach -  Campbell --Rp. 569.000
14 -  9780071317580 -  Biology 11Ed -  Mader -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.374.000
15 -  9781259252433 -  Biology 12Ed -  Mader -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.435.000
16 -  9780071324700 -  Biology 2Ed -  Brooker -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.356.000
17 -  9780071324700 -  Biology 2Ed -  Brooker -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.679.000
18 -  9780071315548 -  Biology 2Ed:Concepts & Investigations -  Hoefnagels -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.333.000
19 -  9780321494184 -  Biology 2Ed:Science For Life+Cd -  Belk -  Pearson Benjamin Cummings  -Rp.497.000
20 -  9789814581851 -  Biology 3Ed -  Brooker -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.435.000
21 -  9781259095573 -  Biology 3Ed:Concepts & Investigations -  Hoefnagels -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.435.000
22 -  9780321623539 -  Biology 8Ed (Sc) -  Campbell -  Pearson Benjamin Cummings  -Rp.463.000
23 -  9780071222068 -  Biology 9Ed -  Raven -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.356.000
24 -  9780321593450 -  Biology Of Humans 3Ed:Concepts,Appl & Issues -  Goodenough -  Benjamin Cummings -Rp.390.000
25 -  9781259060755 -  Biology Of The Invertebrates 7Ed -  Pechenik -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.690.000
26 -  9780071317603 -  Biology The Essentials -  Hoefnagels -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
27 -  9780321546494 -  Biostatistics:For The Biological And Health Sciences -  Triola -  Pearson Addison Wesley -Rp.497.000
28 --  Biotutor:Complete Interactive Biology Course On Cd ---Rp.2.792.000
29 -  9780321735515 -  Brock  Biology Of Microorganisms 13Ed (Sc):Global Edition -  Madigan --Rp.571.000
30 -  9781292018317 -  Brock Biology Of Microorganisms 14Ed -  Madigan --Rp. 503.000
31 -  9781451186345 -  Burton'S Microbiology For The Health 10Ed -  Engelkirk -  Wolters Kluwer Health -Rp.928.000
32 -  9781292026350 -  Campbell Biology 7Ed:Concepts & Connection -  Reece --Rp.571.000
33 -  9780321739759 -  Campbell Biology 9Ed:Global Edition -  Reece --Rp. 556.000
34 -  9780815341451 -  Case Studies In Immunology 5Ed:A Clinical Companion -  Geha -  Garland Science -Rp.707.000
35 -  9781416022558 -  Cell Biology 2Ed  -  Pollard -  Saunders Elsevier -Rp. 1.127.000
36 -  9780470505762 -  Cell Biology 6Ed:International Student Version -  Karp -  Wiley -Rp.672.000
37 -  9781118318744 -  Cell Biology 7Ed -  Karp -  Wiley -Rp.700.000
38 -  9781118678510 -  Cell Biology 7Ed+Wileyplus -  Karp -  Wiley -Rp.679.000
39 -  9780808923565 -  Color Textbook Of Histology 3Ed -  Gartner -  Saunders Elsevier -Rp.616.000
40 -  9780321540980 -  Concepts Genetics 9Ed -  Klug -  Pearson Benjamin Cummings -Rp.373.000
41 -  9780071109468 -  Concepts In Biology 12Ed -  Enger -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 290.000
42 -  9780071287890 -  Concepts In Biology 13Ed -  Enger -  Mc Graw Hill -Rp. 316.000
43 -  9780071315081 -  Concepts In Biology 14Ed:International Student Edition -  Enger -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.335.000
44 -  9781259060694 -  Concepts Of Biology 3Ed -  Mader -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.412.000
45 -  9780071283151 -  Concepts Of Biology/Mader -  Mader -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
46 -  9780071315258 -  Concepts Of Genetics -  Brooker -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.571.000
47 -  0444880720 -  Dictionary Of Animal Production Terminology -  E.A.A.P -  Elsevier Science -Rp.3.327.000
48 -  9780321561473 -  Elements Of Ecology 7Ed:International Edition -  Smith -  Benjamin Cummings -Rp.494.000
49 -  9781884964961 -  Encyclopedia Of Paleontology Vol.1&2  -  Singer -  Taylor & Francis  -Rp.8.357.000
50 -  9780071792738 -  Encyclopedia Of Science & Tech Vl.1-20 -  Mcgrawhill -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.22.694.000
51 -  9780321485250 -  Essential Biology 3Ed -  Campbell -  Benjamin Cummings -Rp.316.000
52 -  9781119978909 -  Essential Microbiology 2Ed -  Hogg -  Wiley-Blackwell -Rp. 734.000
53 -  9781259095689 -  Essentials Of Biology 4Ed -  Mader -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 422.000
54 -  9780849390623 -  Eutrophication Processes In Coastal Systems -  Livingston -  Crc Press -Rp.2.047.000
55 -  9780763760397 -  Evolution:Principles & Process -  Hall -  Jones And Bartlett Publishers -Rp.2.627.000
56 -  9780071284455 -  Foundations In Microbiology 7Ed (Sc) -  Talaro -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.339.000
57 -  9780071316736 -  Foundations In Microbiology 8Ed -  Talaro -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 798.000
58 -  9781259255793 -  Foundations In Microbiology 9Ed -  Talaro -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 435.000
59 -  9781259255809 -  Foundations In Microbiology 9Ed:Basic Principles -  Talaro -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.435.000
60 -  9780205776085 -  Foundations Of Behavioral Neuroscience 8Ed (Sc) International Edition -  Carlson --Rp.582.000
61 -  9780071326414 -  Foundations Of Parasitology 9Ed -  Roberts -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 741.000
62 -  9780470683859 -  From Genes To Genomes 3Ed:Concepts & Applications -  Dale -  Wiley-Blackwell -Rp.638.000
63 -  9780321505897 -  Fundamentals Of Anatomy & Physiology 8Ed  -  Martini -  Pearson Benjamin Cummings -Rp.2.311.000
64 -  9780321761033 -  Fundamentals Of Anatomy & Physiology+Atlas+Ip 9Ed:Int'L Ed -  Martini --Rp.554.000
65 -  9780538735896 -  Fundamentals Of Biostatistics 7Ed -  Rosner -  Wadsworth Cengage Learning -Rp.530.000
66 -  9780538735896 -  Fundamentals Of Biostatistics 7Ed -  Rosner -  Wadsworth Cengage Learning -Rp.587.000
67 -  9780071287647 -  Genetics : Analysis & Principles 3Ed -  Brooker -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.333.000
68 -  9780071089272 -  Genetics 3Ed:Analysis & Principles -  Brooker -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.537.000
69 -  9789814646420 -  Genetics 5Ed:Analysis & Prnciples -  Brooker -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.435.000
70 -  9780071102155 -  Genetics From Genes To Genomes 3Ed -  Hartwell -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.509.000
71 -  9780071221924 -  Genetics From Genes To Genomes 4Ed -  Hartwell -  Mc Graw Hill -Rp.344.000
72 -  9781259095542 -  Genetics From Genes To Genomes 5Ed -  Hartwell -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.458.000
73 -  9780815341383 -  Genomes 3 -  Brown -  Garland Science -Rp.1.098.000
74 -  0697047687 -  How To Know Mosses & Liverworts 2Ed -  Conard -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.615.000
75 -  9780321498250 -  Human Anatomy 5Ed -  Marieb -  Pearson Benjamin Cummings -Rp.582.000
76 -  9780071315944 -  Human Biology 12Ed -  Mader -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.326.000
77 -  9781259080739 -  Human Biology 13Ed -  Mader -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.412.000
78 -  9781259252006 -  Human Biology 14Ed -  Mader -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.479.000
79 -  9780321499554 -  Human Biology 4Ed:Concepts & Current Issues+Cd -  Johnson -  Pearson Benjamin Cummings -Rp.424.000
80 -  9780071315838 -  Human Genetics 10Ed -  Lewis -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.335.000
81 -  9781259095634 -  Human Genetics 11Ed:Concepts & Applications -  Lewis -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.435.000
82 -  9780495826293 -  Human Physiology 7Ed:From Cells To System (Sc):Int'L Student Edition -  Sherwood -  Brooks/Cole -Rp.519.000
83 -  9781550093339 -  Ingle'S Endodontics 6+Cd  -  Ingle -  Bc Decker -Rp. 1.614.000
84 -  9780071220385 -  Inquiry Into Life 13Ed -  Mader -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.713.000
85 -  9781118286043 -  Insect Pests In Tropical Forestry 2Ed -  Wylie -  Cab International  -Rp.775.000
86 -  9780395911709 -  Insects:Peterson Field Guides -  Borror -  Houghton Mifflin Company  -Rp.537.000
87 -  9780071221986 -  Integrated Principles Of Zoology 15Ed -  Hickman -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.412.000
88 -  9781259080784 -  Integrated Principles Of Zoology 16Ed -  Hickman -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.475.000
89 -  9781405114165 -  Introduction To Behavioural Ecology 4Ed -  Davies -  Wiley-Blackwell -Rp.543.000
90 -  9780071285827 -  Introduction To Biological Evolution 2Ed -  Kardong -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.299.000
91 -  9780071106757 -  Introduction To Genetic Principles -  Hyde -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.333.000
92 -  9781133365068 -  Introduction To Marine Biology 4Ed (Ie) -  Karleskint -  Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning -Rp.615.000
93 -  0632047615 -  Invertebrates A Synthesis 3Ed/01 -  Barnes -  Blackwell Publishers -Rp.1.996.000
94 -  9780321640819 -  Laboratory Experiments Microbiology 9Ed -  Johnson --Rp. 367.000
95 -  9780071315623 -  Living World 7Ed -  Johnson -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.355.000
96 -  9780763762995 -  Mammalogy 5Ed -  Vaughan -  Jones And Bartlett Publishers -Rp. 2.786.000
97 -  9780851991276 -  Mango:Botany,Production & Uses -  Litz -  Cabi International -Rp.2.258.000
98 -  9781259251993 -  Marine Biology 10Ed -  Castro -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.503.000
99 -  9780321306692 -  Marine Biology 6Ed:Ecological Approach -  Nybakken -  Pearson Benjamin Cummings -Rp.435.000
100 -  9780071318570 -  Marine Biology 9Ed -  Castro -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.458.000
101 -  9780632052325 -  Marine Mammal Biology: An Evolutionary Approach -  Hoelzel -  Blackwell Publishing -Rp.1.824.000
102 -  9780321584205 -  Microbiology 10Ed:Introduction -  Tortora -  Benjamin Cummings -Rp.424.000
103 -  9781292040394 -  Microbiology 10Ed:Laboratory Manual -  Cappuccino --Rp.662.000
104 -  9780763768607 -  Microbiology 2Ed:Pearls Of Wisdom -  Booth -  Jones And Bartlett Publishers -Rp.1.267.000
105 -  9780321539960 -  Microbiology 2Ed:With Diseases By Body System -  Bauman -  Pearson Benjamin Cummings -Rp.408.000
106 -  9781259255762 -  Microbiology 4Ed:Systems Approach -  Cowan -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.435.000
107 -  9780071316132 -  Microbiology 7Ed:A Human Perspective -  Nester -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.424.000
108 -  9780470234150 -  Microbiology 7Ed:Principles And Explorations -  Black -  Wiley -Rp.390.000
109 -  9780470646212 -  Microbiology 8Ed -  Black -  Wiley -Rp.566.000
110 -  9781118743164 -  Microbiology 9Ed :Principles & Explorations -  Black -  Wiley -Rp.611.000
111 -  9780321673879 -  Microbiology 9Ed:Laboratory Manual Int'L Edition -  Cappuccino --Rp.429.000
112 -  9780321798541 -  Microbiology An Introduction 11Ed:Int'L Edition -  Tortora --Rp.452.000
113 -  9780071316866 -  Moecular Biology 5Ed -  Weaver -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.718.000
114 -  9780815344643 -  Molecular Biology Of The Cell 6Ed -  Alberts -  Garland Science -Rp.1.183.000
115 -  9780815344322 -  Molecular Biology Of The Cell 6Ed  -  Alberts -  Garland Science -Rp.2.577.000
116 -  9780321507815 -  Molecular Biology Of The Gene 6Ed (Sc) -  Watson -  Pearson Benjamin Cummings -Rp.443.000
117 -  9783540214298 -  Morphometrics:Applications In Biology & Paleontology -  Elewa -  Springer -Rp.1.954.000
118 -  9781259252020 -  Nester'S Microbiology 8Ed 8Ed:Human Perspective -  Anderson -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.458.000
119 -  9780521367196 -  Plankton Stratigraphy Vol.1 -  Bolli -  Cambridge University Press  -Rp.1.840.000
120 -  9781420046694 -  Plant Pathology 2Ed:Concepts And Laboratory Exercises  -  Trigiano -  Crc Press -Rp.1.104.000
121 -  0890542600 -  Plant-Microbe Interactions,Vol.5 -  Stacey -  Aps Press -Rp.1.115.000
122 -  9780071267274 -  Prescott,Harley,& Klein'S Microbiology 7Ed -  Willey -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.299.000
123 -  9780071102315 -  Prescott,Harley,& Klein'S Microbiology 7Ed -  Willey -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.299.000
124 -  9780071102315 -  Prescott,Harley,& Klein'S Microbiology 7Ed -  Willey -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.577.000
125 -  9789814581561 -  Prescott'S Microbiology 9Ed -  Wiley -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 435.000
126 -  9780321516114 -  Principles Of Animal Physiology 2Ed -  Moyes -  Pearson Benjamin Cummings -Rp.458.000
127 -  9789814646444 -  Principles Of Biology -  Brooker -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.480.000
128 -  9780070141209 -  Principles Of Microbiology (Sc) -  Sumbali -  Tata Mc.Grawhill -Rp.310.000
129 -  9781259060366 -  Stern'S Introductory Plant Biology 13Ed -  Bidlack -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.424.000
130 -  9780763753702 -  Symbolic Systems Biology :Theory & Methods -  Iyengar -  Jones And Bartlett Publishers -Rp.3.262.000
131 -  9780470010860 -  Techniques & Appl Hyperspectral Image -  Grahn -  John Wiley -Rp.1.994.000
132 -  9789814646475 -  Understanding Biology -  Mason -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.554.000
133 -  9780030225222 -  Vertebrate Dissection 9Ed (Binder) -  Homberger -  Thomson Brooks/Cole -Rp.542.000
134 -  9780071284592 -  Vertebrates 5Ed:Comparative Anatomy,Function,Evolution -  Kardong -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.308.000
135 -  9780071086554 -  Vertebrates 6Ed:Comparative Anatomy,Function,Evolution -  Kardong -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.335.000
136 -  9781259253751 -  Vertebrates 7Ed:Comparative Anatomy,Function -  Kardong -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.446.000
137 -  9781578086061 -  Vertebrates Structures & Function -  Kisia -  Crc Press -Rp.1.897.000
138 -  9780321554185 -  World Of The Cell 7Ed -  Becker -  Pearson Benjamin Cummings -Rp.469.000
139 -  9783527332526 -  Yeast 2Ed:Molecular & Cell Biology -  Feldmann -  Wiley-Blackwell -Rp.829.000
140 -  9780071318587 -  Zoology 9Ed:Int'L Edition  -  Miller -  Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000