Buku Ekonomi |
Buku Ekonomi
No - ISBN - Judul - Penulis - Penerbit - Harga
1 - 9780071831574 - 201 Kilr Cover tters 3Ed - Podesta - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 361.000
2 - 9780814417751 - 2600 Phrases For Setting Eff Performance Goals - Falcone - Amacom -Rp. 180.000
3 - 9781907794353 - 31 Practice :Rease The Power - Williams - LID Publishing -Rp. 594.000
4 - 9780071326292 - Abc'S Relationship Selling Through 12Ed - Futrell - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 346.000
5 - 9781562869144 - Accidental Instructional Designer - Bean - Cangage arning -Rp. 702.000
6 - 9780691114101 - Advanced International Trade :Theory & Evidence - Feenstra - Princeton University -Rp. 1.784.000
7 - 9781292017396 - Advertising & Imc 10Ed:Princip & Practice - Moriarty - Pearson -Rp. 480.000
8 - 9780273752929 - Advertising & Imc 9Ed:Princips & Practice:Global Edition - Moriarty - Pearson -Rp. 528.000
9 - 9789814575119 - Advertising & Promotion 10Ed (Global Ed) - Belch - Mc Graw-Hil -Rp. 415.000
10 - 9780071314404 - Advertising & Promotion 9Ed;An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective - Belch - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
11 - 9780538479868 - Advertising & Promotions 6Ed:An Integrated Brand Approach - Semenik - Cengage arning -Rp. 525.000
12 - 9780071284400 - Advertising And Promotion 8Ed:An Integrated Marketing Commun - Belch - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 308.000
13 - 9780131676602 - Advertising:Princips & Effective Imc Practice/07 - Wells - Prentice Hall -Rp. 245.000
14 - 9781107038875 - Against The Consensus - Lin - Cambridge University Press -Rp. 537.000
15 - 9789814619868 - Aha..That Is Interesting Vl.1 - Vasbinder - World ientific -Rp. 809.000
16 - 9780071849395 - Always In Fashion From Crk To Ceo - Weber - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 520.000
17 - 9780814420287 - Ama Dictionary Of Business & Mgmt - Kurian - Amacom -Rp. 407.000
18 - 9780787987503 - Angel Financing For Entrepreneurs - Preston - Jossey-Bass -Rp. 395.000
19 - 9780691116419 - Anticipating Correlations - Eng - Princeton University -Rp. 849.000
20 - 9781118323748 - Applied Business Statistics 7Ed+Wiyplus:Making Better - Black - Wiy -Rp. 689.000
21 - 9781118808566 - Applied Econometric Time Series 4Ed - Enders - Wiy -Rp. 655.000
22 - 9789812530493 - Applied Management ience 2Ed:Modeling,Spreadsheet Analysis And - Lawrence - Wiy -Rp. 424.000
23 - 9781259255885 - Applied Statistics In Business & Economics 5Ed - Doane - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 435.000
24 - 9781562868970 - Art Of Modern Sas Management - Mcclay - Cangage arning -Rp. 702.000
25 - 9780230007741 - Asian Mgmt In Transition Emerging Themes - Chatterjee - Palgrave Macmillan -Rp. 254.000
26 - 9781562869847 - Atd Tant Management Handbook - Bickham - Cangage arning -Rp. 1.824.000
27 - 9780300203936 - Austerity - hui - Ya -Rp. 469.000
28 - 9780071276252 - Basic Econometrics 5Ed - Gujarati - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 350.000
29 - 9780071221108 - Basic Marketing 18Ed:Int'L Student Edition - Perreault - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
30 - 9781259060762 - Basic Marketing 19Ed:A Marketing Strategy Plann Approach - Perreault - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
31 - 9780071311847 - Basic Marketing Mrkt Strgy Plan 17Ed - Perreault - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 308.000
32 - 9780131354210 - Basic Marketing Research 2Ed:Using Ms.Excel Data Analysis - Burns - Pearson Education -Rp. 317.000
33 - 9780132570183 - Basic Marketing Research 4Ed:Integration Of Social Media - Malhotra - Pearson -Rp. 437.000
34 - 9781466554566 - Basics Of Achieving Professional Certifi+Cd - Thomas - Crc Press -Rp. 424.000
35 - 9781259080760 - Basics Of Engineering Economy 2Ed - Blank - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 434.000
36 - 9780814449059 - Be Your Customer'S Hero : Real World Tips & Techniques For The Service Front Lines - Toporek - Amacom -Rp. 344.000
37 - 9780763774875 - Best Practices In Grant Seeking - Faruqi - Jones And Barttt -Rp. 1.635.000
38 - 9780071774352 - Big Book Of Virtual Team-Building Games;Quick,Effective Activities To Build Communication,Trust, & Collaboration From Anywhere! - annell - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 441.000
39 - 9780273740803 - Brilliant Checklists For Entrepreneurs - Ashton - Pearson -Rp. 395.000
40 - 9781420059052 - Building An Effective Information Security Policy Architecture - Bacik - Crc -Rp. 1.149.000
41 - 9780071317955 - Business & Administration Comm 10Ed - Locker - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 383.000
42 - 9781259095658 - Business & Administration Communic 11Ed - Locker - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 446.000
43 - 9780070167186 - Business & Administrative Communication 9Ed:Int'L Student Edition - Locker - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
44 - 9780324594775 - Business & Profesional Ethics For Directors,5Ed - Brooks - Cengage arning -Rp. 219.000
45 - 9780538478403 - Business & Profess Ethics 6Ed:For Direc,Executives & Acc - Brooks - Cengage arning -Rp. 521.000
46 - 9780324375398 - Business & Professional Ethics For Directors,Executives 4Ed - Brooks - Thomson South-Western -Rp. 389.000
47 - 9780071101028 - Business & Society 12Ed:Stakeholders,Ethics,Public Policy - Lawrence - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
48 - 9780071289368 - Business & Society 13Ed: Stakeholders,Ethics,Public Policy - Lawrence - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
49 - 9781259010729 - Business & Society 14Ed:Stakeholders,Ethics,Public - Lawrence - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
50 - 9780618770915 - Business Library Edition - Pride - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
51 - 9789814714259 - Business 10Ed:Changing World - Ferrell - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 456.000
52 - 9781133595854 - Business 12Ed - Pride - Cengage arning -Rp. 678.000
53 - 9781285095158 - Business 12Ed:Int'L Edition - Pride - Cengage arning -Rp. 445.000
54 - 9780071220736 - Business 8Ed:Changing World - Ferrell - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
55 - 9781259060526 - Business A Changing World 9Ed - Ferrel - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
56 - 9780324375824 - Business Analysis & Valuation 4Ed:Using Financial Statements - Papu - Thomson South-Western -Rp. 406.000
57 - 9781133434863 - Business Analysis & Valuation 5Ed - Papu - Cengage arning -Rp. 508.000
58 - 9781259010729 - Business And Society 14Ed:Stakeholders,Ethics,Public Policy - Lawrence - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
59 - 9781437715866 - Business Aspects Of Optometry 3Ed - Apme/Thal - Butterworth-Heinemann -Rp. 1.324.000
60 - 9789814281614 - Business Comm Skills:E-Mailing+Cd - Pi - Cengage arning -Rp. 564.000
61 - 9780176225155 - Business Communication 4Ed:Process & Product - Guffey - Thomson -Rp. 406.000
62 - 9780071221009 - Business Communication 5Ed:Building Crtical Skills - Locker - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
63 - 9781259060670 - Business Communication 6Ed:Building Critical Skills - Locker - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
64 - 0176225153 - Business Communication Process & Product 4Ed+Cd & Itrac/05 - Guffey - Nelson Thornes -Rp. 412.000
65 - 9781292008912 - Business Communication Today 12Ed - Bovee - Pearson -Rp. 459.000
66 - 9781292099866 - Business Communication Today 13Ed - Bovee - Pearson -Rp. 605.000
67 - 9780132064705 - Business Communication Today 9Ed - Bovee - Pearson Education -Rp. 112.000
68 - 9781259060410 - Business Communication:Developing aders For - Cardon - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 401.000
69 - 9780070164482 - Business Driven Information Systems 2Ed - Baltzan - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 305.000
70 - 9780071314565 - Business Driven Information Systems 3Ed - Baltzan - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 308.000
71 - 9781259060335 - Business Driven Information Systems 4Ed - Baltzan - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
72 - 9780071317795 - Business Driven Technology 5Ed - Baltzan - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 346.000
73 - 9780071179898 - Business Dynamics:Systems Thinking & Modelling - Sterman - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 458.000
74 - 9781292016900 - Business Essentials 10Ed - Ebert - Pearson -Rp. 514.000
75 - 9780131572102 - Business Essentials 6Ed - Ebert/Griffin - Pearson Education -Rp. 356.000
76 - 9780273755975 - Business Essentials 8Ed - Ebert - Pearson -Rp. 342.000
77 - 9780273766599 - Business Essentials 9Ed - Ebert - Pearson -Rp. 458.000
78 - 9789814314909 - Business Ethics & Policy:Ethical Decision Making & Cases - Ferrell - Cengage arning -Rp. 451.000
79 - 9781285423715 - Business Ethics 10Ed:Ethical Decision Making - Ferrell - Cengage arning -Rp. 564.000
80 - 9780071249874 - Business Ethics 2Ed: A Global And Managerial Perspective - Fritzhe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 197.000
81 - 9780071323819 - Business Ethics 2Ed:Decision Making For Personal Integrity - Hartman - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
82 - 9780071112673 - Business Ethics 2Ed:Global & Managerial Perspective - Fritzhe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 191.000
83 - 9781259060588 - Business Ethics 3Ed:Decision Making For Personal - Hartman - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
84 - 0130797723 - Business Ethics 5Ed/99 - George - Pearson Education -Rp. 112.000
85 - 9781292022819 - Business Ethics 7Ed - Velasquez - Pearson -Rp. 418.000
86 - 9781259095092 - Business Ethics Now 4Ed - Ghillyer - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
87 - 9780132082693 - Business In Action 4Ed:With Real-Time Updates - Bovee/Thill - Pearson Education -Rp. 112.000
88 - 9781259071447 - Business Law 15Ed:The Ethical,Global & E-Commerce - Mallor - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 364.000
89 - 0071112529 - Business Marketing 3Ed/05 - Bingham - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
90 - 9780071263436 - Business Marketing 4Ed:Connecting Strategy, Relationships, & arning - Dwyer - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
91 - 9780470876411 - Business Model Generation - Osterwalder - John Wiy -Rp. 593.000
92 - 9780273755142 - Business Of Tourism 9Ed - Holloway - Pearson -Rp. 544.000
93 - 9780071748834 - Business Plants That Work:Guide For Small Business - Zacharakis - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 356.000
94 - 9780071289221 - Business Research Methods 11Ed - Cooper - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
95 - 9781259070952 - Business Research Methods 12Ed - Cooper - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 432.000
96 - 9781133190943 - Business Research Methods 9Ed: - Zikmund - Cengage arning -Rp. 564.000
97 - 9780071317610 - Business Statistics :Comm With Numbers - Jaggia - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
98 - 0070599467 - Business Statistics 2Ed+Cd-Rom/05 - Beri - Tata Mc.Grawhill -Rp. 311.000
99 - 9780471789567 - Business Statistics 5Ed:For Contemporary Decision Making - Black - John Wiy -Rp. 547.000
100 - 9780071220651 - Business Statistics In Practice 6Ed - Bowerman - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 308.000
101 - 9781259060397 - Business Statistics In Practice 7Ed - Bowerman - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 432.000
102 - 9780521750950 - Business Studies Igcse/04 - Nuttall - Cambridge University Press -Rp. 284.000
103 - 9781118229095 - Buyouts ;Succes For Owners,Management,Pegs, Families - Milr - Wiy -Rp. 491.000
104 - 0071183698 - Cd-Rom Guide To The Web For Economics,The/2000 - Bellamy - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 137.000
105 - 9780582846784 - Chalnges 4 Sbk - Harris - Pearson -Rp. 135.000
106 - 9781405844741 - Chalnges Wb+Cdrom - Maris - Pearson -Rp. 126.000
107 - 9781118176320 - China Fast Forward :The Tech,Green Industries - Dodson - Wiy -Rp. 415.000
108 - 9780071476577 - Chindia:How China & India Are Revolutionizing Global Buss - Engardio - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 296.000
109 - 9780071220910 - Churchill/Ford/Walker'S Sas Force Management 10Ed - Johnston - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 326.000
110 - 9780300189773 - Climate Casino - Nordhaus - Ya -Rp. 537.000
111 - 9780324170733 - Comparative Economics 2Ed:A New View Of+Infotrac - Kennett - Thomson South-Western -Rp. 434.000
112 - 9780071289450 - Compensation 10Ed - Milkovich - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 326.000
113 - 9781259010804 - Compensation 11Ed - Milkovich - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
114 - 0619015934 - Concepts In Enterprise Resource Planning - Brady - Cengage arning -Rp. 219.000
115 - 9789814336918 - Consumer Behavior - Blackwell - Cengage arning -Rp. 564.000
116 - 9780071267816 - Consumer Behavior & Marketing Strategy 9Ed - Peter - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 361.000
117 - 9780137006700 - Consumer Behavior 10Ed :Global Edition - hiffman - Pearson -Rp. 401.000
118 - 9780273787136 - Consumer Behavior 11Ed - hiffman - Pearson -Rp. 446.000
119 - 9781292017419 - Consumer Behavior 11Ed - Solomon - Pearson -Rp. 458.000
120 - 9780071288415 - Consumer Behavior 11Ed+Cd:Building Marketing Strategy - Hawkins - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
121 - 9789814607537 - Consumer Behavior 12Ed+Cd:Buiding Marketing Strategy - Hawkins - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
122 - 9780137034963 - Consumer Behavior 9Ed :Buying,Having,And Being - Solomon - Pearson -Rp. 112.000
123 - 9780470994658 - Consumer Behaviour 2Ed - Evans - Wiy -Rp. 615.000
124 - 9780071318389 - Contemporary Advertising 14Ed:Integrated Marketing - Arens - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
125 - 9780071315715 - Contemporary Labor Economics 10Ed - Mcconnell - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 355.000
126 - 0071116214 - Contemporary Labor Economics 7Ed/06 - Mcconnell - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
127 - 9781259008061 - Contemporary Managament+Connect Plus - Jones - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 429.000
128 - 9781259011795 - Contemporary Mgmt 8Ed - Jones - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
129 - 9781285751788 - Cornerstones Of Cost Mgmt 3Ed - Hansen - Cengage arning -Rp. 632.000
130 - 9780071326155 - Corporate Communication 6Ed - Argenti - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
131 - 9780071263191 - Corporate Information Strategy & Mgmt 8Ed:Text And Cases - Appgate - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 390.000
132 - 047083353X - Corporate Mpvs Managing Your Company'S Most Vlb Prfmrs/04 - Butteriss - Wiy -Rp. 440.000
133 - 9780470518335 - Corporate Risk Management 2Ed - Merna - Wiy -Rp. 491.000
134 - 9780071267489 - Cost Management 5Ed;A Strategic Emphasis - Blocher - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
135 - 9780071326193 - Cost Management 6Ed:A Strategic Emphasis - Blocher - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
136 - 9780071317009 - Crafting & Executing Strategy 18Ed :Concepts & Cases - Thompson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 337.000
137 - 9781259011801 - Crafting & Executing Strategy 19Ed:The Quest For Competitive - Thompson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 390.000
138 - 9789814670890 - Crafting & Executing Strategy 20Ed:Quest For Competitive - Thompson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 469.000
139 - 9780070182608 - Crafting And Executing Strategy 17Ed:The Quest For Competitive Advantage:Concepts And Cases - Thompson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
140 - 0071114009 - Crafting And Executing Strategy: Concepts And Cases 14Ed/05 - Thompson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
141 - 9780071333313 - Crm:Customer Relation Management - Makkar - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 356.000
142 - 9781591391371 - Crucibs Of adership - Thomas - Hbs Press -Rp. 367.000
143 - 9781259252945 - Customer Service 6Ed:Skills For Success - Lucas - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
144 - 9780470169650 - Dalrymp'S Sas Management 10Ed - Cron - Wiy -Rp. 634.000
145 - 9780538476768 - Data Analysis,Optimization,& Sim Modeling 4Ed - Albright - Cengage arning -Rp. 519.000
146 - 9781118457474 - Designing B2B Brands - Onaindia - Wiy -Rp. 496.000
147 - 9780787957452 - Designing Organizations :An Executive Guide To Strategy - Galbraith - Jossey-Bass -Rp. 112.000
148 - 9780273756057 - Developing Management Skills 8Ed:Global Edition - Whetten - Pearson -Rp. 537.000
149 - 9780071284073 - Developing Management Skills What Great Mngrs Know & Do/08 - Baldwin - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 290.000
150 - 9780273746102 - Digital Marketing 5Ed:Strategy,Impmentation - Chaffey - Pearson -Rp. 503.000
151 - 9780814480632 - Disagreements,Disputes,And All-Out War - ott - Amacom -Rp. 248.000
152 - 9780071700467 - Drucker :A Life In Pictures - Wartzman - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 339.000
153 - 9781305065000 - Ebook Entrepreneurship - Kuratko - Cangage arning -Rp. 247.000
154 - 9780071158367 - Econometric Models And Economic..4Ed - Pindyck - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 157.000
155 - 9781292094502 - Economics 12Ed - Parkin - Pearson -Rp. 460.000
156 - 9780070091917 - Economics 18Ed - Mcconnell - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
157 - 9780071239325 - Economics 18Ed - Samuelson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 265.000
158 - 9780071263832 - Economics 19Ed - Samuelson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
159 - 9780071221030 - Economics 19Ed:Global Edition - Mcconnell - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
160 - 9780071280853 - Economics 9Ed - Slavin - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 305.000
161 - 9781259060434 - Economics 9Ed - Colander - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
162 - 9780324782387 - Economics For Today'S World 6Ed - Tucker - Cengage arning -Rp. 219.000
163 - 9780071116541 - Economics Of Social Issues 17Ed - Sharp - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
164 - 9780071086028 - Economics Of Social Issues 19Ed:Int'L Student Edition - Sharp - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
165 - 9780471679455 - Economics Of Strategy 4Ed - Besanko - Wiy -Rp. 451.000
166 - 9780470484838 - Economics Of Strategy 5Ed International Student Version - Besanko - Wiy -Rp. 459.000
167 - 9781118319185 - Economics Of Strategy 6Ed - Besanko - Wiy -Rp. 649.000
168 - 9780071317573 - Economy Today 13Ed - hilr - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
169 - 9781292000411 - E-Marketing 7Ed - Strauss - Pearson -Rp. 480.000
170 - 9781259010781 - Employee Benefits 5Ed:A Primer For Human - Martocchio - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
171 - 9780071326384 - Employee Training & Development 6Ed - Noe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
172 - 9780071267786 - Employee Training And Development 5Ed - Noe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 299.000
173 - 9780273751533 - Engineering Economy 15Ed:Int'L Edition - Sullivan - Pearson -Rp. 373.000
174 - 9780071086097 - Engineering Economy 7Ed - Blank - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 390.000
175 - 9780415820950 - Enough Is Enough - Dietz - Routdge -Rp. 395.000
176 - 9781259060618 - Entrepreneurial Small Business 4Ed - Katz - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
177 - 9780470450376 - Entrepreneurship 2Ed - Bygrave - Wiy -Rp. 629.000
178 - 9789814714297 - Entrepreneurship 2Ed:Art,ience,& Process - Bamford - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 435.000
179 - 9781118582893 - Entrepreneurship 3Ed - Bygrave - Wiy -Rp. 634.000
180 - 9780273761402 - Entrepreneurship 4Ed:Succ Launching Ventures - Barringer - Pearson -Rp. 526.000
181 - 9781292095370 - Entrepreneurship 5Ed:Successfully Launching - Barringer - Pearson -Rp. 548.000
182 - 9780071259521 - Entrepreneurship 7Ed - Hisrich - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 290.000
183 - 9780071267687 - Entrepreneurship 8Ed - Hisrich - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
184 - 9780071326315 - Entrepreneurship 9Ed - Hisrich - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 401.000
185 - 9780470810828 - Entrepreneurship And Small Business 2Nd: Pasific Rim Edition - haper - Wiy -Rp. 433.000
186 - 9789814227902 - Essentials Of Business Communication Asian Ed W/Cd - Guffey - Thomson -Rp. 442.000
187 - 9780470505694 - Essentials Of Business Processes & Information Systems - Magal - Wiy -Rp. 433.000
188 - 9781259253591 - Essentials Of Business Statistics 5Ed - Bowerman - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 662.000
189 - 9780071318082 - Essentials Of Contemporary Management 5Ed - Jones - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
190 - 9780071276078 - Essentials Of Econometrics 4Ed - Gujarati - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 299.000
191 - 9781259060403 - Essentials Of Economics 3Ed - Brue - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 326.000
192 - 9780071314763 - Essentials Of Economics 9Ed - hilr - Mc Graw-Hil -Rp. 384.000
193 - 9780131579439 - Essentials Of Entrepreneurship & Small Business Mgmt 5Ed - Zimmerer/arborough - Pearson Education -Rp. 112.000
194 - 9781259251634 - Essentials Of Marketing 14Ed:Marketing Strategy - Perreault - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
195 - 9780071318372 - Essentials Of Marketing Research 3Ed - Hair - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 326.000
196 - 9781133273431 - Essentials Of Marketing Research 5Ed: - Zikmund - Cengage arning -Rp. 500.000
197 - 9780071267731 - Essentials Of Negotiation 5Ed - wiski - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 308.000
198 - 9789814577274 - Essentials Of Negotiation 6Ed - wicki - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
199 - 9781292090078 - Essentials Of Organizational Behav 13Ed - Robbins - Pearson -Rp. 479.000
200 - 9789810686185 - Essentials Of Services Marketing 2Ed - Wirtz - Pearson -Rp. 435.000
201 - 9780071288910 - Essentials Of Strategic Management :The Quest For Competitive Advantage - Gamb - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 299.000
202 - 9780071220811 - Essentials Of Strategic Management 2Ed:The Quest For Competitive Advantage - Gamb - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 308.000
203 - 9780071318129 - Essentials Of Strategic Management 3Ed;The Quest For Competitive Advantage - Gamb - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
204 - 9789814670074 - Essentials Of Strategic Mgmt 4Ed:The Quest For Competitive - Gamb - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
205 - 9780538451284 - Ethical Decision Making For Business 8Ed - Fraedrich - Cengage arning -Rp. 415.000
206 - 9780470891070 - Event Marketing 2Ed :How To Success - Preston - Wiy -Rp. 678.000
207 - 9781856178181 - Events Management 3Ed - Bowdin - Butterworth-Heinemann) -Rp. 838.000
208 - 9780071272155 - Events Management: An Asian Perspective - Mccartney - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 378.000
209 - 9781422121160 - Execution Premium :Linking Strategy To Operations For - Kaplan - Harvard Business Press -Rp. 684.000
210 - 9780803978713 - Experiencing Organizations - Fineman - Sage Publications -Rp. 707.000
211 - 9780750669399 - Exploring Employee Relations 2Ed - at - Butterworth-Heinemann) -Rp. 452.000
212 - 9781844800810 - Export Practice & Mgmt 5Ed - Branch - Cengage arning -Rp. 587.000
213 - 9781562869267 - Facilitation Basics 2Ed - Mccain - Cangage arning -Rp. 564.000
214 - 9780324598049 - Family Business 3Ed: - Poza - Cengage arning -Rp. 530.000
215 - 9781285056821 - Family Business 4Ed - Poza - Cengage arning -Rp. 564.000
216 - 9780071824361 - Finance For Nonfinancial Managers 2Ed - Siciliano - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 340.000
217 - 9780324224993 - Financial Mgmt 11Ed+Cd:Theory & Practice - Brigham - Cengage arning -Rp. 442.000
218 - 9789814455602 - First Steps To Your Career vel 2+Cd - Kudo - Cengage arning -Rp. 644.000
219 - 9780071247818 - From Conformance To Performance:Best Corporate Governance/06 - Teen - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
220 - 9780071238236 - Fundamental Methods Of Mathematical Economics 4Ed - Chiang - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
221 - 9780071108553 - Fundamentals Of Human Resource Management 2Ed - Noe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 367.000
222 - 9781259071980 - Fundamentals Of Human Resource Management 5Ed - Noe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
223 - 9780137142811 - Fundamentals Of Human Resource Management:Content,Compet&App - Dessr - Pearson Education -Rp. 112.000
224 - 9781259009365 - Fundamentals Of Human Resource Mgmt 4Ed:Global Ed. - Noe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 327.000
225 - 9781259254451 - Fundamentals Of Human Resource Mgmt 6Ed - Noe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 458.000
226 - 9781292025063 - Fundamentals Of Organizational Comm 8Ed - Shocky-Zalabak - Pearson -Rp. 526.000
227 - 9780071285445 - Fundamentals Of Selling 11Ed - Futrell - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
228 - 9781259060557 - Fundamentals Of Selling 13Ed:Customers For Life Through - Futrell - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 432.000
229 - 9780860372752 - Future Of Economics - Chapra - Islamic Foundation -Rp. 1.319.000
230 - 9780071083812 - Global Business Today 6Ed - Hill - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
231 - 9781259011788 - Global Business Today 8Ed - Hill - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
232 - 9780071274937 - Global Marketing 5Ed:Foreign Entry,Local Marketing - Johansson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 378.000
233 - 9781292017389 - Global Marketing 8Ed - Keegan - Pearson -Rp. 465.000
234 - 9780470505748 - Global Marketing Management 5Ed - Kotabe - John Wiy -Rp. 608.000
235 - 9780071318204 - Global Marketing:Contemporary Theory Practice & Cases - Alon - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
236 - 9780471699408 - Global Meetings And Exhibitions - Krugman - John Wiy -Rp. 406.000
237 - 9780691156491 - Golden Ticket - Fortnow -Princeton University -Rp. 485.000
238 - 9781606491331 - Growing Your Business - Dunung - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 333.000
239 - 9781844801626 - Guide To Franchising 7Ed - Mendelsohn - Thomson -Rp. 428.000
240 - 9780470083598 - Hospitality Strategic Mgmt 2Ed - Enz - Wiy -Rp. 689.000
241 - 9781578511365 - Hr orecard Linking Peop Strategy & Perfomance - Becker - Hbs Press -Rp. 424.000
242 - 9781591397076 - Hr Value Proposition - Ulrich - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 537.000
243 - 9780787996291 - Human Factors In Project Management:Concepts,Tools - Wong - Jossey-Bass -Rp. 650.000
244 - 9780071315289 - Human Relations In Organizations 9Ed - Lussier - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
245 - 9789814714303 - Human Resource Management 11Ed - Rue - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 435.000
246 - 9780071326339 - Human Resource Management 12Ed - Ivancevich - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
247 - 9780273766025 - Human Resource Management 13Ed:Global Edition - Dessr - Pearson -Rp. 435.000
248 - 9781292018430 - Human Resource Management 14Ed - Dessr - Pearson -Rp. 458.000
249 - 9780071279437 - Human Resource Management 6Ed:Gaining A Competitive Advantag - Noe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
250 - 9780071081887 - Human Resource Management 7Ed:Gaining A Competitive Advantage - Noe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
251 - 9781259074080 - Human Resource Management 8Ed(Ge):Gaining Competitive Advantage - Noe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
252 - 9780077164126 - Human Resource Management 9Ed:Global Edition - Noe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 456.000
253 - 9780071201735 - Human Resource Management In Asia/02 - Ivancevich - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 271.000
254 - 9781118379714 - Human Resource Mgmt 11Ed - Decenzo - Wiy -Rp. 655.000
255 - 9781292094373 - Human Resource Mgmt 14Ed - Mondy - Pearson -Rp. 548.000
256 - 9780071326186 - Human Resource Mgmt 6Ed:An Experiental Approach - Bernardin - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
257 - 9780077140892 - Human Resource Mgmt 8Ed:Gaining A Competitive Advantage - Noe - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
258 - 9780071181112 - Human Resource Strategy:Behavioral Perspective For The General Manager - Dreher - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
259 - 9781466563544 - Impmenting Standardized Work - Patchong - Crc Press -Rp. 424.000
260 - 9781554581542 - Impmenting The World Intelctual Property Org Dev Agenda - De Beer - Wilfrid Laurier -Rp. 1.006.000
261 - 9781118250303 - Industrial Organization 5Ed:Contemporary Theory - Pepall - Wiy -Rp. 651.000
262 - 9789814576215 - Information Systems In Organiza Tions - Wallace - Pearson -Rp. 492.000
263 - 9781118097946 - Information Tech Project Mgmt 4Ed+Cd:(Isv) - Marchewka - Wiy -Rp. 632.000
264 - 9781118092255 - Information Technology For Mgmt 8Ed:Int'L Student Version - Turban - Wiy -Rp. 586.000
265 - 9781133627227 - Information Technology Project Mgmt+Cd 7Ed - hwalbe - Cengage arning -Rp. 544.000
266 - 9781118993095 - Innovation & Enetrepreneurship 3Ed - Bessant - Wiy -Rp. 655.000
267 - 9780273683766 - Innovation Mgmt:Context,Strategies,Systems & Processes - Ahmed - Ft Prentice Hall -Rp. 522.000
268 - 9781292093635 - Integrated Advertising,Promotion 7Ed - Clow - Pearson -Rp. 537.000
269 - 9780273786986 - Integrated Advertising,Promotion, 6Ed - Clow - Pearson -Rp. 475.000
270 - 9780470478448 - Integrated Business Process With Erp Systems - Magal - Wiy -Rp. 655.000
271 - 9780324665314 - Integrated Marketing Communication In Advertising And Promotion 8Ed - Shimp - Cengage arning -Rp. 406.000
272 - 9780077111205 - Integrated Marketing Communications European Edition - Duncan - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 458.000
273 - 9781562869366 - Interact And Engage - Laborie - Cangage arning -Rp. 702.000
274 - 9781133588399 - Internation Marketing 10Ed - Czinkota - Cengage arning -Rp. 587.000
275 - 9780077140878 - International Business 13 Ed:Chalnges Of Global Competition - Ball - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
276 - 9781292016795 - International Business 15Ed:Environments - Daniels - Pearson -Rp. 458.000
277 - 9780273787068 - International Business 3Ed:New Realities - Cavusgil - Pearson -Rp. 571.000
278 - 9780273779759 - International Business 6Ed:The Chalnges Of Globalization - Wild - Pearson Phe -Rp. 186.000
279 - 9780470530658 - International Business 8Ed - Czinkota - Wiy -Rp. 583.000
280 - 9781292018218 - International Business 8Ed:Managerial Perspective - Griffin - Pearson -Rp. 503.000
281 - 013127533X - International Business An Asia Pacific Perspective/04 - Delios - Peerage Books -Rp. 305.000
282 - 9780273768616 - International Business Law 6Ed - August - Pearson -Rp. 571.000
283 - 9780071088053 - International Business:An Asian Perspective - Hill - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 383.000
284 - 9781118177945 - International Economics 11Ed:Trade & Finance - Salvatore - Wiy -Rp. 655.000
285 - 9780071316286 - International Economics 15Ed - Pugel - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
286 - 9781259252846 - International Economics 16Ed - Pugel - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
287 - 9781259010576 - International Economics 8Ed - Appyard - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
288 - 9780321553980 - International Economics 8Ed:Theory & Policy - Krugman - Pearson Addison Wesy -Rp. 112.000
289 - 9781847872937 - International Human Resource Mgmt 3Ed - Harzing - Sage Publications -Rp. 588.000
290 - 9781446267318 - International Human Resource Mgmt 4Ed - Harzing - Sage Publications -Rp. 739.000
291 - 9780131968585 - International Management 5Ed:Mgng Across Borders&Cultures - Deresky - Pearson Prentice Hall -Rp. 112.000
292 - 9780273787051 - International Management 8Ed - Deresky - Pearson -Rp. 543.000
293 - 9789814577298 - International Management 9Ed:Culture,Strategy - Luthans - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 444.000
294 - 9781121915251 - International Marketing 16Ed - Cateora - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
295 - 9781442527720 - International Marketing 5Ed:Asia-Pasific - Ftcher - Pearson -Rp. 582.000
296 - 9781118830284 - International Marketing 6Ed Int'L Sdnt Version - Kotabe - Wiy -Rp. 634.000
297 - 9780470408797 - International Trade - Mclaren - Wiy -Rp. 651.000
298 - 9780470633748 - Internet Marketing:An Hour A Day - Baiy - Sybex -Rp. 458.000
299 - 9781259255298 - Interpersonal Skills In Organization 5Ed - De Janasz - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
300 - 9780071086301 - Interpersonal Skills In Organizations 4Ed - De Janasz - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
301 - 9781133190196 - Introd.To Derivatives&Risk Mgmt 9Ed - Chance - Cengage arning -Rp. 644.000
302 - 9780136038726 - Introduction Risk Management And Insurance 9Ed - Dorfman - Pearson Prentice Hall -Rp. 406.000
303 - 9780538480598 - Introduction To Business 11Ed:Int'L Edition - Pride - Cengage arning -Rp. 542.000
304 - 9781259010637 - Introduction To Business Ethics 5Ed - Desjardins - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
305 - 9780071243247 - Introduction To Colctive Bergaining & Indus 4Ed - Katz - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 291.000
306 - 9781133190219 - Introduction To Derivatives Risk Mgmt 9Ed - Chance - Cengage arning -Rp. 564.000
307 - 9780324590869 - Introduction To Entrepreneurship 8Ed :Int'L Edition - Kuratko - Cengage arning -Rp. 462.000
308 - 9781118901632 - Introduction To Information Sys 5Ed+Wiyplus - Rainer - Wiy -Rp. 679.000
309 - 9780470553107 - Introduction To Information Systems 3Ed:Enabling & Trans - Rainer - Wiy -Rp. 857.000
310 - 9780470418871 - Introduction To Management 10Ed:International Student - hermerhorn - John Wiy -Rp. 451.000
311 - 9780470646243 - Introduction To Management 11Ed:Int'L Student Version - hermerhorn - Wiy -Rp. 576.000
312 - 9781118588963 - Introduction To Management 12Ed+Wiyplus - hermerhorn - Wiy -Rp. 692.000
313 - 9781118951187 - Introduction To Management 13Ed:(Isv) - hermerhorn - Wiy -Rp. 679.000
314 - 9780538475655 - Introduction To Management ience 13Ed - Anderson - South-Western -Rp. 406.000
315 - 9780132457576 - Introduction To Mgmt ience 10Ed:Global Edition - Taylor Iii - Prentice Hall -Rp. 112.000
316 - 9780273766407 - Introduction To Mgmt ience 11Ed - Taylor Iii - Pearson -Rp. 537.000
317 - 9781259010675 - Introduction To Mgmt ience 5Ed+Cd: A Modeling - Hillier - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
318 - 9780273770084 - Introduction To Operation & Supply Chain 3Ed - Bozarth - Pearson -Rp. 458.000
319 - 9781292093420 - Introduction To Operations & Supply Chain 4Ed - Bozarth - Pearson -Rp. 684.000
320 - 9780071267670 - Introduction To Operations Research 9Ed - Hillier - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
321 - 9781133604587 - Introduction To Six Sigma 2Ed:Process Improvement - Evans - Cengage arning -Rp. 610.000
322 - 9781111534394 - Introductory Econometrics 5Ed: A Modern Approach - Wooldridge - Cengage arning -Rp. 610.000
323 - 9780071263252 - Investments 8Ed - Bodie - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 316.000
324 - 9781259094873 - Issues In Economics Today 7Ed - Guell - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
325 - 9780071825917 - Juran'S Quality Essentials For aders - Defeo - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 684.000
326 - 9780470805381 - Knowdge Management - Debowski - Wiy -Rp. 642.000
327 - 9781259252365 - Labor Economics 7Ed - Borjas - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 435.000
328 - 9780071086349 - Labor Relations 11Ed:Development,Structure - Fossum - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 339.000
329 - 9789814577311 - Law, Business And Society 11Ed - Mcadams - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 435.000
330 - 9789814660600 - ader'S Daily Ro In Tant Mgmt - Rothwell - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 367.000
331 - 9781562869359 - aders Don?T Command - Cuervo - Cangage arning -Rp. 417.000
332 - 9781562869649 - aders Open Doors 2Ed - Treasurer - Astd Press -Rp. 310.000
333 - 9780071086547 - adership 7Ed:Enhancing The ssons Of Experience - Hughes - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 372.000
334 - 9781259253195 - adership 8Ed:Enhancing The ssons Of Experience - Hughes - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
335 - 9780787984922 - adership Chalnge 4Ed:The Most Trusted Source On - Kouzes - Jossey-Bass -Rp. 112.000
336 - 9780470651728 - adership Chalnge 5Ed - Kouzes - Jossey-Bass -Rp. 424.000
337 - 9780071267427 - adership Communication 3Ed - Barrett - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 299.000
338 - 9781259010583 - adership Communication 4Ed - Barrett - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
339 - 9781435462854 - adership Experience 6Ed - Daft - Cengage arning -Rp. 576.000
340 - 9781626562653 - adership For A Fractured World : How To Cross Boundaries, Build Bridges&ad Change - Williams - Butterworth-Heinemann) -Rp. 509.000
341 - 9780071310451 - adership For Engineers:The Magic Of Mindset - Bennett - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
342 - 9780071272148 - adership In Asia:Chalnges & Opportunities - Ulrich - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 254.000
343 - 9780273765660 - adership In Organizations 8Ed - Yukl - Pearson -Rp. 458.000
344 - 9780071827515 - adership:Organizational Success Through - Crainer - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 390.000
345 - 9780071479424 - an Six Sigma For Supply Chain Mgmt :10 Step Solution Proces. - Martin - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 492.000
346 - 9781259060809 - sikar'S Business Communication 13Ed - Rentz - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 346.000
347 - 0071111131 - Macroeconomic 2Ed/06 - Delong - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 367.000
348 - 9789834505028 - Macroeconomics - Hasan - Oxford Univ.Press -Rp. 191.000
349 - 9780071289252 - Macroeconomics 11Ed:Int'L Edition - Dornbuh - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 326.000
350 - 9781259070969 - Macroeconomics 12Ed - Dornbuh - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 407.000
351 - 9780273717904 - Macroeconomics 3Ed - Gartner - Pearson Education -Rp. 317.000
352 - 9781119995715 - Macroeconomics 3Ed Understanding The Global Economy - Mis - Wiy -Rp. 610.000
353 - 9780131982017 - Macroeconomics 4Ed - Blanchard - Pearson Education -Rp. 342.000
354 - 9780273766339 - Macroeconomics 6Ed:Global Edition - Blanchard - Pearson -Rp. 500.000
355 - 0071157182 - Macroeconomics 7Ed/98 - Dornbuh - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
356 - 9780273752776 - Management 11Ed:Global Edition - Robbins - Pearson -Rp. 480.000
357 - 9781259254222 - Management 11Ed:ading & Collaborating In A Competitive - Bateman - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 405.000
358 - 9780273787020 - Management 12Ed:(Global Edition) - Robbins - Pearson -Rp. 459.000
359 - 9781292090207 - Management 13Ed:Global Edition - Robbins - Pearson -Rp. 480.000
360 - 9780132073103 - Management 2Ed - Hitt - Prentice Hall -Rp. 299.000
361 - 9789814577526 - Management 6Ed:Practical Introduction - Kinicki - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 401.000
362 - 9780470169056 - Management 9Ed - hermerhorn - Wiy -Rp. 491.000
363 - 9780132408042 - Management 9Ed+Access Code - Robbins - Pearson Education -Rp. 429.000
364 - 9780071254106 - Management Control Systems 12Ed - Anthony - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 408.000
365 - 9780132050296 - Management Information System 10Ed - Mcod - Prentice Hall -Rp. 281.000
366 - 9780071221092 - Management Information Systems 10Ed:Global Edition - O'Brien - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 337.000
367 - 9780136093688 - Management Information Systems 11Ed: Managing The Digital Firm: Global Edition - Laudon - Pearson -Rp. 388.000
368 - 9780273754534 - Management Information Systems 12Ed:Managing The Digital Firm - Laudon - Pearson -Rp. 112.000
369 - 9781118895382 - Management Information Systems 3Ed - Rainer - Wiy -Rp. 656.000
370 - 9780070167094 - Management Information Systems 8Ed - Haag - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
371 - 0071249885 - Management Information Systems For The Info. Age 5Ed+2Cds/05 - Haag - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 326.000
372 - 9781118286043/9781118286049 - Management Information Systems+Wiyplus - Rainer - Wiy -Rp. 219.000
373 - 9780273789970 - Management Informations Systems 13Ed - Laudon - Pearson -Rp. 503.000
374 - 9781292094007 - Management Informatn Systems 14Ed:Global Edition - Laudon - Pearson -Rp. 514.000
375 - 9780071315265 - Management Now:Skills For 21St Century Mgmt - Ghillyer - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
376 - 9780071259446 - Management Of A Sas Force 12Ed - Spiro - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 367.000
377 - 9781133584674 - Management Of Strategy 10Ed:Cencepts & Cases - Ireland - Cengage arning -Rp. 491.000
378 - 9780538753197 - Management Of Strategy Concepts & Case 9Ed:Int'L Edition - Ireland - South-Western -Rp. 417.000
379 - 9780324314434 - Management Of Transportation - Bardi - Thomson South-Western -Rp. 474.000
380 - 9780470530672 - Management ience 3Ed;Art Of Modeling With Spreadsheets - Powell - Wiy -Rp. 644.000
381 - 9781118582695 - Management ience 4Ed - Powell - Wiy -Rp. 672.000
382 - 9780071827836 - Management:Cutting-Edge Thinking To Engage - Crainer - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 390.000
383 - 9780077154509 - Managerial Economics & Bus Strategy 8Ed - Baye - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 401.000
384 - 9789814646932 - Managerial Economics & Organizational 6Ed - Bricky - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 435.000
385 - 9780071221207 - Managerial Economics 10Ed : Foundation Of Business - Thomas - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 308.000
386 - 9781259071515 - Managerial Economics 11Ed:Foundations Of Business - Thomas - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
387 - 9781439081235 - Managerial Economics 2Ed: Probm Solving - Froeb - Cengage arning -Rp. 414.000
388 - 9780135070659 - Managerial Economics 6Ed:Economic Tools For Today'S Decision Makers - Keat - Prentice Hall -Rp. 324.000
389 - 9780273791935 - Managerial Economics 7Ed - Keat - Pearson -Rp. 418.000
390 - 9780071263207 - Managerial Economics And Business Strategy 6Ed - Baye - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 316.000
391 - 9780071267441 - Managerial Economics And Business Strategy 7Ed - Baye - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
392 - 9780071284806 - Managerial Economs & Organz Architec 5Ed - Bricky - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 401.000
393 - 9780077117481 - Managing Brands:A Contemporary Perspective - Laforet - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 397.000
394 - 9781444336450 - Managing Corporate Social Responsibility - Combs - Wiy-Blackwell -Rp. 371.000
395 - 9789814714266 - Managing Human Resource 10Ed:Productivity Quality - Caio - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 446.000
396 - 9780071287708 - Managing Human Resources 8Ed:Productivity,Quality Of Work Life,Profits - Caio - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 316.000
397 - 9780071318198 - Managing Human Resources 9Ed:Produc,Quality Of Work Life - Caio - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
398 - 9781292023465 - Managing Information Technology 7Ed - Brown - Pearson -Rp. 500.000
399 - 9780538480703 - Managing Information Technology Projects+Cd Rev 6Ed - hwalbe - Cengage arning -Rp. 500.000
400 - 9780470998106 - Managing Innovation 4Ed:Integrating Technological,Market & Organizational Change - Tidd - Wiy -Rp. 500.000
401 - 9781118360637 - Managing Innovation 5Ed:Integrating Technological - Tidd - Wiy -Rp. 668.000
402 - 9780071263733 - Managing Organizational Change 2Ed:A Multip Perspect.Appro - Palmer - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 350.000
403 - 9780538737289 - Managing Small Business : An Entrepreneurial Emphasis 15Ed - Moore - Cengage arning -Rp. 519.000
404 - 9780538737289 - Managing Small Business 15Ed: An Entrepreneurial Emphasis - Moore - Cengage arning -Rp. 434.000
405 - 9780071325189 - Manufacturing Planning & Ctrl 6Ed:For Supply Chain Mgmt - Jacobs - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
406 - 9781292020396 - Market-Based Management 6Ed - Best - Pearson -Rp. 514.000
407 - 9780132848169 - Market-Based Mgmt 6Ed:Strategies For Growing Customer - Best - Pearson -Rp. 435.000
408 - 9780071109055 - Marketing - Grewal - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
409 - 9781259095603 - Marketing - Hunt - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
410 - 9780071285469 - Marketing 2Ed - Grewal/vy - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 293.000
411 - 9781742467214 - Marketing 2Ed - Elliott - Wiy -Rp. 530.000
412 - 9781292023168 - Marketing 7Ed:Real Peop,Real Choices - Solomon - Pearson -Rp. 480.000
413 - 9781292097756 - Marketing 8Ed:Real Peop,Real Choices - Solomon - Pearson -Rp. 616.000
414 - 9781292060460 - Marketing Channel Strategy 8Ed - Palmatier - Pearson -Rp. 395.000
415 - 9780071207058 - Marketing Channels A Relationship Management Approach 2Ed/02 - Pelton - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
416 - 9781844801213 - Marketing Communications - Egan - Cengage arning -Rp. 543.000
417 - 9780470319925 - Marketing Communications - Dahn - Wiy -Rp. 530.000
418 - 9781259007897 - Marketing In Asia 2Ed:Asia Global Edition - Kerin - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 344.000
419 - 9789814595032 - Marketing In Asia 3Ed:Asia Global Edition - Kerin - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 446.000
420 - 9789814577663 - Marketing Management 11Ed:Knowdge & Skills - Peter - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
421 - 9780131357976 - Marketing Management 13Ed:Int'L Edition - Kotr - Pearson Education -Rp. 112.000
422 - 9780273753360 - Marketing Management 14Ed:Global Edition - Kotr - Pearson -Rp. 412.000
423 - 9781292092621 - Marketing Management 15Ed:Global Edition - Kotr - Pearson -Rp. 480.000
424 - 9781259094972 - Marketing Management 2Ed - Marshall - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
425 - 9780132296311 - Marketing Management 3Ed - Winer - Prentice Hall -Rp. 441.000
426 - 9780071267762 - Marketing Management 7Ed:A Strategic Decision-Making Approach - Mullins - Mc Graw-Hil -Rp. 308.000
427 - 9780071326377 - Marketing Management 8Ed:A Strategic Decision Making App - Mullins - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
428 - 9780273725855 - Marketing Research 4Ed - Malhotra - Pearson -Rp. 1.251.000
429 - 9780132253901 - Marketing Research 5Ed:An Applied Orientation - Malhotra - Pearson Education -Rp. 112.000
430 - 9780136094234 - Marketing Research 6Ed : An Applied Orientation - Malhotra - Pearson -Rp. 480.000
431 - 9780273768517 - Marketing Research 7Ed - Burns - Pearson -Rp. 431.000
432 - 9781118112717 - Marketing Research 9Ed:Int'L Student Version - Mcdaniel - Wiy -Rp. 608.000
433 - 9780538743778 - Marketing Research Methodlogical Foundations 10Ed:International Edition - Iacobucci - Cengage arning -Rp. 519.000
434 - 9780273740933 - Marketing Strategy & Competitive 5Ed - Hooy - Ft Prentice Hall -Rp. 458.000
435 - 9781285073040 - Marketing Strategy 6Ed :Text&Cases - Ferrell - Cengage arning -Rp. 587.000
436 - 9780070171466 - Marketing Strategy 7Ed: A Decision-Focused Approach - Walker - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 326.000
437 - 9781259010903 - Marketing Strategy 8Ed:A Decision Focused Apro - Walker - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 394.000
438 - 9789814670708 - Martin Pring'S Introduction To Tech 2Ed - Pring - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 390.000
439 - 9780691158983 - Mass Flourishing - Phelps - Princeton University -Rp. 536.000
440 - 9780071263313 - Matching Supply With Demand 2Ed:An Introduction To Operations Mgmt - Cachon - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
441 - 9780071326223 - Matching Supply With Demand 3Ed:Introduction To - Cachon - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
442 - 9789814660648 - Measure Of Man:ading Human Development - Aubrey - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 344.000
443 - 9781562867997 - Measuring Roi In arning And Development : Case Studies - Phillips - Cangage arning -Rp. 821.000
444 - 9781562869427 - Measuring The Success Of adership Development - Patricia Phillips, - Cangage arning -Rp. 634.000
445 - 9780470561966 - Mergers,Acquisitions,& Corporate Restructurings 5Ed - Gaughan - Wiy -Rp. 651.000
446 - 9781111525514 - Microeconomic Theory 11Ed+Sign In & Succ:Basic Princ & Exten - Snyder - Cengage arning -Rp. 485.000
447 - 9780070166745 - Microeconomics & Behavior 8Ed - Frank - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
448 - 9781259253935 - Microeconomics & Behavior 9Ed - Frank - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
449 - 9780071287616 - Microeconomics - Bernheim - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 305.000
450 - 9780470414392 - Microeconomics 10Ed:Theory & Applications - Browning - Wiy -Rp. 608.000
451 - 9780470234600 - Microeconomics 3Ed:International Studt Version - Besanko - John Wiy -Rp. 219.000
452 - 9780137133352 - Microeconomics 7Ed:Int'L Edition - Pindyck - Prentice Hall -Rp. 376.000
453 - 9781292081977 - Microeconomics 8Ed - Pindyck - Pearson -Rp. 457.000
454 - 9780132827669 - Mind & Heart Of The Negotiator 5Ed:Int'L Edition - Thompson - Pearson -Rp. 480.000
455 - 9780538481342 - Mm What'S Inside Student Edition:A Student-Tested,Faculty - Iacobucci - Cengage arning -Rp. 506.000
456 - 9789814636292 - Modern Competitive Strategy 4Ed - Walker - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
457 - 9781292087856 - Modern Industrial Organization 4Ed - Carlton - Pearson -Rp. 512.000
458 - 9780132727655 - Modern Labor Economics 11Ed:Theory & Public Policy - Ehrenberg - Prentice Hall -Rp. 395.000
459 - 9781562869335 - Modern Mentoring - Emelo - Cangage arning -Rp. 702.000
460 - 9780071263641 - Negotiation 6Ed - wicki - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
461 - 9789814577281 - Negotiation 7Ed: Readings, Exercises & Cases - wicki - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
462 - 9781285068770 - New Era Management 11Ed: - Daft - Cengage arning -Rp. 587.000
463 - 9781111525712 - New Era Of Management 10Ed:Int'L Edition - Daft - Cengage arning -Rp. 444.000
464 - 9780071289238 - New Products Management 10Ed - Crawford - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 373.000
465 - 9789814577106 - New Products Management 11Ed - Crawford - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
466 - 9781562869960 - New Social arning 2Ed - Bingham - Cangage arning -Rp. 451.000
467 - 9781562869694 - New Supervisor Training - Biech - Cangage arning -Rp. 1.427.000
468 - 9789814577465 - New Venture Creation 10Ed:Entrepreneurship - Spinelli - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 446.000
469 - 9780071324632 - New Venture Creation 9Ed:Entrepreneurship For The 21St Century - Spinelli - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
470 - 9780738212791 - One Year To An Organized Work Life - eds - Da Capo Lifelong -Rp. 327.000
471 - 9780071270625 - Operation Management : An Asian Perspective - Stevenson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
472 - 9781292093864 - Operation Management 11Ed:Processes & Supply Chains - Krajewski - Pearson -Rp. 537.000
473 - 9780131391994 - Operation Research 9Ed:An Introduction - Taha - Pearson -Rp. 526.000
474 - 9781118532454 - Operational Risk Management :Compte Guide To - Girling - Wiy -Rp. 634.000
475 - 9780071289948 - Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt 13Ed:Global Edition - Chase - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 326.000
476 - 9780077151621 - Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt 14Ed - Chase - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 390.000
477 - 9781118901502 - Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt 8Ed+Wp - Russell - Wiy -Rp. 702.000
478 - 9780071284189 - Operations & Supply Management 12Ed+Dvd - Jacobs - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 291.000
479 - 9781259007996 - Operations Management : Asian Perspective 2Ed - Stevenson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 390.000
480 - 9780470524572 - Operations Management 4Ed:International Student Version - Meredith - Wiy -Rp. 360.000
481 - 9781118323632 - Operations Management 5Ed - Reid - Wiy -Rp. 678.000
482 - 9780470233795 - Operations Management 6Ed :Along The Supply Chain - Russell - John Wiy -Rp. 219.000
483 - 9780470646236 - Operations Management 7Ed:International Student Version - Russell - Wiy -Rp. 651.000
484 - 9789880080579 - Operations Management 9Ed - Heizer - Prentice Hall -Rp. 367.000
485 - 9780324360783 - Operations Management:Integrated Goods & Services Appro+Cd - Evans - Thomson South-Western -Rp. 496.000
486 - 9780273766834 - Operations Mgmt 10Ed:Processes & Supply Chains - Krajewski - Pearson -Rp. 441.000
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488 - 9781259060878 - Operations Mgmt In The Supply Chain 6Ed - hroeder - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
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490 - 9781133190455 - Organization Development & Change 10Ed - Cummings - Cengage arning -Rp. 644.000
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492 - 9781133626695 - Organizational Behavior 11Ed :Managing Peop - Griffin - Cengage arning -Rp. 587.000
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494 - 9780071289399 - Organizational Behavior 12Ed:Eviden-Base Approach - Luthans - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
495 - 9780132295413 - Organizational Behavior 12Ed+Cd - Robbins - Pearson Education -Rp. 325.000
496 - 9781118323762 - Organizational Behavior 12Ed+Wiyplus - hermerhorn - Wiy -Rp. 634.000
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501 - 9780273765295 - Organizational Behavior 15Ed:Global Edition - Robbins - Pearson -Rp. 500.000
502 - 9781292056555 - Organizational Behavior 16Ed - Robbins - Pearson -Rp. 446.000
503 - 9780324306064 - Organizational Behavior 3Ed:Integrating Individuals - Champoux - Thomson South-Western -Rp. 530.000
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506 - 9780071283014 - Organizational Behavior 4Ed - Mcshane - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
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508 - 9780071315685 - Organizational Behavior 5Ed - Kinicki - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 401.000
509 - 9780071078665 - Organizational Behavior 5Ed:Emerging Knowdge & Practice - Mcshane - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 308.000
510 - 9781121965515 - Organizational Behavior 6Ed - Mcshane - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 390.000
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515 - 9780071254304 - Organizational Behavior Human Behavior At Work 12Ed - Newstrom - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 299.000
516 - 9780071287760 - Organizational Behavior:Improving Performance And Commitment - Colquitt - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 316.000
517 - 9780071016261 - Organizational Behaviour 4Ed (Asia Pacific Edition) - Mcshane - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
518 - 9780521180238 - Organizational Design 2Ed:A Step By Step Approach - Burton - Cambridge University Press -Rp. 650.000
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529 - 9781292024073 - Performance Management 3Ed - Aguinis - Pearson -Rp. 392.000
530 - 9780132974356 - Performance Management 3Ed:Int'L Edition - Aguinis - Pearson -Rp. 392.000
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535 - 9780071274623 - Princips Of Advertising & Imc 2Ed - Duncan - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 327.000
536 - 9780470873724 - Princips Of Econometrics 4Ed:Int'L Edition - Hill - Wiy -Rp. 542.000
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540 - 9780071108157 - Princips Of Economics 3Ed - Frank - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
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542 - 9781285165875 - Princips Of Economics 7Ed - Mankiw - Cengage arning -Rp. 655.000
543 - 9780071282840 - Princips Of Economics Asia Edition - Frank - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 378.000
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557 - 032420308X - Princips Of Microeconomics 3Ed/04 - Mankiw - Thomson South-Western -Rp. 219.000
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559 - 9780273789949 - Princips Of Risk Mgmt & Insurance 12Ed - Rejda - Pearson -Rp. 350.000
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561 - 9780470560716 - Professional Event Coordination 2Ed - Silvers - Wiy -Rp. 501.000
562 - 9780071266260 - Project Management 4Ed:Managerial Process+Cd - Gray - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 316.000
563 - 9780071289290 - Project Management 5Ed+Cd:Managerial Process - Larson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 327.000
564 - 9781562869489 - Project Management For Trainers 2Ed - Russell - Cangage arning -Rp. 605.000
565 - 9780080983240 - Project Management Planning & Control 6Ed - ster - Butterworth-Heinemann -Rp. 1.240.000
566 - 9781259010705 - Project Mgmt 6Ed+Cd:Managerial Process - Larson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 435.000
567 - 9781118945834 - Project Mgmt 9Ed:Managerial Approach - Meredith - Wiy -Rp. 638.000
568 - 9781259095436 - Purchasing & Supply Chain Mgmt 3Ed - Benton - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
569 - 9780071289375 - Purchasing And Supply Management 14Ed - Johnson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 327.000
570 - 9780137129904 - Quantitative Analys For Mgt 10Ed+Cd - Render - Prentice Hall -Rp. 112.000
571 - 9780273752868 - Quantitative Analysis For Mgmt 11Ed:Global Edition - Render - Pearson -Rp. 480.000
572 - 9781292059327 - Quantitative Analysis For Mgmt 12Ed - Render - Pearson -Rp. 503.000
573 - 9780071318440 - Real Estate Princips 4Ed:A Value Approach - Ling - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 435.000
574 - 9780273737780 - Relations Marketing 4Ed:Exploring Relational - Egan - Ft Prentice Hall -Rp. 412.000
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576 - 9780273750758 - Research Methods For Business Students 6Ed - Saunders - Pearson -Rp. 424.000
577 - 9781305104136 - Research Methods For The Behavioral iences 5Ed - Gravetter - Cengage arning -Rp. 610.000
578 - 9780071106887 - Retailing Management 6Ed - vy - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 274.000
579 - 9780071284240 - Retailing Management 7Ed - vy - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 316.000
580 - 9780071220989 - Retailing Management 8Ed - vy - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 317.000
581 - 9781259060663 - Retailing Mgmt 9Ed - vy - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 407.000
582 - 9781118955949 - Risk Management And Financial Institution 4Ed - Hull - Wiy -Rp. 668.000
583 - 9780071713009 - Service Innovation :How To Go From Customer - Bettencourt - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 456.000
584 - 9780071289276 - Service Management 7Ed: Operations,Strategy,Informations Technolohy - Fitzsimmons - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 326.000
585 - 9781259010651 - Service Management 8Ed:Operations,Strategy - Fitzsimmons - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
586 - 9780071263931 - Services Marketing 5Ed:Integrating Customer Focus Across - Zeithaml - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
587 - 9780071086967 - Services Marketing 6Ed:Integrating Customer Focus - Zeithaml - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 384.000
588 - 9780132056762 - Services Marketing 6Ed:Peop,Technology,Strategy - Lovelock - Prentice Hall -Rp. 112.000
589 - 9780273756064 - Services Marketing 7Ed: Peop,Tech,Strategy - Lovelock - Pearson -Rp. 435.000
590 - 0131275372 - Services Marketing In Asia Mngg Peop,Tchnlgy&Strtgy 2Ed/05 - Lovelock - Prentice Hall -Rp. 112.000
591 - 9780324306019 - Small Business 7Ed:Entrepreneur'S Business Plan - Ryan - Thomson South-Western -Rp. 530.000
592 - 9781133947752 - Small Business Mgmt 17Ed - Longenecker - Cengage arning -Rp. 655.000
593 - 9780071318471 - Small Business Mgmt 7Ed:An Entrepreneur'S Guidebook - Byrd - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
594 - 9780071086479 - Staffing Organizations 7Ed - Heneman Iii - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 326.000
595 - 9781259253744 - Staffing Organizations 8Ed - Heneman Iii - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 415.000
596 - 9780321645111 - Statistic For Business & Economics 11Ed+Cd:Int'L Edition - Mcclave - Pearson -Rp. 514.000
597 - 9780273755852 - Statistic For Managers 6Ed :Using Microsoft Excel Global Edition - vine - Pearson -Rp. 437.000
598 - 9789814646529 - Statistical Tech In Business & Economics 16Ed - Lind - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
599 - 9780071316989 - Statistical Techniques In Business & Economics 15Ed - Lind - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 326.000
600 - 9780071285759 - Statistical Techniques In Business And Economics 13Ed+Cd - Lind - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
601 - 9780071100045 - Statistical Techniques In Business And Economics 14Ed+Cd - Lind - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 308.000
602 - 9780470009451 - Statistics And Econometrics Methods And Applications - Ashenfelter - Wiy -Rp. 496.000
603 - 9780538471886 - Statistics For Bus.Econ.11Ed+Cd:International Edition - Anderson - Cengage arning -Rp. 570.000
604 - 9780132069731 - Statistics For Business & Economics 10Ed+Cd - Mcclave - Pearson Education -Rp. 293.000
605 - 9781285846323 - Statistics For Business & Economics 12Ed - Anderson - Cengage arning -Rp. 632.000
606 - 9780137035199 - Statistics For Managers 6Ed :Using Microsoft Excel - vine - Pearson Education -Rp. 432.000
607 - 9780273787112 - Statistics For Managers 7Ed:Using Microsoft Excel - vine - Pearson -Rp. 537.000
608 - 9780199565214 - Strategic Brand Management 2Ed - Rosenbaum-Elliott - Oxford -Rp. 407.000
609 - 9780132336222 - Strategic Brand Mgmt 3Ed:Building,Measuring,& Managing Brand Equity - Kelr - Prentice Hall -Rp. 352.000
610 - 9780273779414 - Strategic Brand Mgmt 4Ed - Kelr - Pearson -Rp. 467.000
611 - 9780132547062 - Strategic Compensation 6Ed:A Hrm Approach - Martocchio - Pearson -Rp. 112.000
612 - 9780071254526 - Strategic Dynamics Concepts And Cases - Burgelman - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
613 - 9781285426792 - Strategic Human Resource Mgmt 4Ed - Mello - Cengage arning -Rp. 587.000
614 - 9780470978283 - Strategic Iq :Creating Smarter Corporations - Wells - Jossey-Bass -Rp. 281.000
615 - 9780071109130 - Strategic Management 10Ed:Formulation,Impmantation & Contr - Pearce - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
616 - 9781285425177 - Strategic Management 11Ed :Competitiveness - Hitt - Cengage arning -Rp. 610.000
617 - 9780071326391 - Strategic Management 13Ed:Planning For Domestic & Global - Pearce Ii - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
618 - 9781259252952 - Strategic Management 14Ed:Planning For Domestic - Pearce Ii - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 405.000
619 - 9781292016894 - Strategic Management 15Ed:Concepts & Cases - David - Pearson -Rp. 469.000
620 - 9789814646154 - Strategic Management 2Ed - Rothaermel - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 444.000
621 - 9780135009345 - Strategic Management 2Ed:Dynamic Perspective-Concepts & Case - Carpenter - Pearson Education -Rp. 497.000
622 - 9781111525200 - Strategic Management Essentials 3Ed - Jones - Cengage arning -Rp. 500.000
623 - 9780071317917 - Strategic Management:Concepts & Cases - Rothaermel - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 393.000
624 - 9780071326230 - Strategic Marketing 10Ed - Cravens - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
625 - 9780132345545 - Strategic Marketing 7Ed:For Nonprofit Organizations - Andreasen - Pearson Prentice Hall -Rp. 418.000
626 - 9780071263351 - Strategic Marketing 9Ed - Cravens - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
627 - 9780170136068 - Strategic Marketing Analysis 2Ed+Infotrac - Healy - Cengage arning -Rp. 424.000
628 - 9781292060811 - Strategic Mgmt & Bus. Policy 14Ed - Wheen - Pearson -Rp. 526.000
629 - 9780132570206 - Strategic Mgmt & Business Policy 13Ed:Toward Glob Sus Int'L Edition - Wheen - Pearson -Rp. 503.000
630 - 9780132560450 - Strategic Mgmt & Com Advantage 4Ed (Concepts & Cases) - Barney - Pearson -Rp. 420.000
631 - 9780132560443 - Strategic Mgmt & Competitive Adv 4Ed (Concepts) - Barney - Pearson -Rp. 392.000
632 - 9780273767480 - Strategic Mgmt 14Ed:Concepts & Cases - David - Pearson -Rp. 502.000
633 - 9789814577373 - Strategic Mgmt 14Ed:Planning For Domestic - Pearce Ii - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 424.000
634 - 9780077161088 - Strategic Mgmt 7Ed:Text & Cases - Dess - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 418.000
635 - 9780538743389 - Strategic Mgmt Of Human Resources 3Ed:International Edition - Mello - Cengage arning -Rp. 502.000
636 - 9780135013205 - Strategic Mgt 12Ed:Concepts & Cases - David - Pearson Education -Rp. 112.000
637 - 9781444338638 - Strategic Organizational Communication 7Ed:In A Global Economy - Conrad - Wiy-Interience -Rp. 678.000
638 - 9780470841471 - Strategic Planning For Information Systems 3Ed - Ward - John Wiy -Rp. 651.000
639 - 9780136069751 - Strategic Staffing - Phillips - Pearson Education -Rp. 372.000
640 - 9780132043588 - Strategy & Tactics Of Pricing 4Ed:Guide To Growing More Prof - Nag - Pearson Education -Rp. 112.000
641 - 9781292023236 - Strategy & Tactics Of Pricing 5Ed:Guide To Growing - Nag - Pearson -Rp. 507.000
642 - 9780131861367 - Strategy 2Ed:View From The Top - De Kluyver - Pearson Prentice Hall -Rp. 112.000
643 - 9780071317047 - Strategy Mgmt 6Ed:Text & Cases - Dess - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
644 - 9780133147285 - Supervision & Instructional adership 9Ed - Glickman - Pearson -Rp. 418.000
645 - 9780273765226 - Supply Chain Mgmt 5Ed:Strategy,Planning,& Operation - Chopra - Pearson -Rp. 502.000
646 - 9780071107662 - Systems Analysis & Design For The Global Enterprise 7Ed:Int'L Student Ed - Benty - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 326.000
647 - 9781292020860 - Takeover,Restructuring,& Corporate 4Ed - Weston - Pearson -Rp. 479.000
648 - 9789814603072 - Tan Siak Kew:Going Against The Grain - Tan - World ientific -Rp. 571.000
649 - 9780071259231 - Technology Ventures 2Ed:From Idea To Enterprise - Dorf - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 299.000
650 - 9781259252754 - Technology Ventures 4Ed:From Idea To Enterprise - Byers - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
651 - 9780538752503 - Theory Of Strategic Management With Cases 9Ed - Jones - South-Western -Rp. 415.000
652 - 9781439035603 - Theory Of Strategic Management With Cases 8Ed - Hill/Jones - Cengage arning -Rp. 451.000
653 - 9781422126127 - Think Again - Finkelstein - Harvard Business Press -Rp. 378.000
654 - 9780071259156 - Transnational Management 5Ed:Text,Cases,& Reading - Barttt - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 282.000
655 - 9781259010590 - Transnational Management 7Ed:Text,Cases - Barttt - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 395.000
656 - 9780691160795 - Uncertain Glory India & Its Contract - Dreze - Princeton University -Rp. 536.000
657 - 9781259073281 - Understanding Business 10Ed - Nickels - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 383.000
658 - 9789814670371 - Understanding Business 11Ed - Nickels - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 435.000
659 - 9780071101363 - Understanding Business 8Ed - Nickels - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
660 - 9780071314107 - Understanding Business 9Ed - Nickels - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 112.000
661 - 9780131878563 - Understanding Financial Statements 8Ed - Fraser - Pearson Prentice Hall -Rp. 180.000
662 - 9781285421230 - Understanding Management 9Ed - Daft - Cengage arning -Rp. 610.000
663 - 9789834505011 - Understanding Organizational Behavior - Ahmad - Oxford Univ.Press -Rp. 191.000
664 - 9780199581610 - Understanding Strategic Mgmt 2Ed - Henry - Oxford -Rp. 458.000
665 - 9781111826628 - Understanding The Theory & Design 11Ed - Daft - Cengage arning -Rp. 496.000
666 - 9780321336095 - Valuation Analyzing Global Investment Opportunities - Titman - Pearson Addison Wesy -Rp. 327.000
667 - 9780071739351 - Why Of Work:How Great aders Build Abundant Organization That Win - Ulrich - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 376.000
668 - 9781119921530 - Wiy E-Text:Diiplined Entrepreneurship -- Wiy -Rp. 644.000