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Buku Komunikasi
No - ISBN - Judul - Penulis - Penerbit -Harga
1 - 9781111317164 - Agricultural Communications In Action - Telg - Delmar Cengage
Learning -Rp.492.000
2 - 9780071314671 - Art Of Public Speaking 11Ed - Lucas - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
3 - 9780071310413 - Art Of Public Speaking 11Ed - Lucas - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
4 - 9781259095672 - Art Of Public Speaking 12Ed - Lucas - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
5 - 9780323072014 - Cognition & Acquired Language Disorders:An Information - Peach -
Elsevier -Rp.888.000
6 - 9780071314428 - Communicating In Groups 8Ed:Applications & Skills - Adams -
Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.326.000
7 - 9781259255854 - Communicating In Groups 9Ed:Applications & Skill - Adams -
Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.432.000
8 - 9781292042855 - Communication Theories 5Ed:Origins,Methods & Uses - Severin -
9 - 9789814636193 - Corporate Communication 7Ed - Argenti - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
10 - 9780071315920 - Customer Service 5Ed:Skills For Success - Lucas - Mc.Graw Hill
11 - 9780071318266 - Dynamics Of Mass Communication 12Ed - Dominick - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp.335.000
12 - 9789814646369 - Dynamics Of Mass Communication 12Ed - Dominics - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp.432.000
13 - 9789814577168 - First Look At Communication Theory 9Ed - Griffin - Mc.Graw Hill
14 - 9781259094736 - Fundamentals Of Human Communication 4Ed - Defleur - Mc.Graw Hill
15 - 9780132719872 - Guide To Managerial Communication 9Ed - Munter - Prentice Hall
16 - 9780071318501 - Human Communication 5Ed - Pearson - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
17 - 9781444332360 - Intercultural Communication For Everyday - Baldwin - Wiley-
Blackwell -Rp.694.000
18 - 9780071318242 - Intercultural Communication In Contexts 6Ed - Martin - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp.401.000
19 - 9781292099996 - Interpersonal Communiaction Book 14Ed - Devito --Rp.
20 - 9780071315135 - Interpersonal Communication 2Ed - Floyd - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
21 - 9781285445830 - Interpersonal Communication 8Ed:Everyday Encounters - Wood -
Cengage Learning -Rp.520.000
22 - 9780205251988 - Interpersonal Communication Book 13Ed - Devito --Rp.
23 - 9781292025162 - Interpersonal Communication Book 13Ed - Devito --Rp.
24 - 9781259010866 - Interviewing 14Ed:Principles & Practice - Stewart - Mc.Graw Hill
25 - 9780071326476 - Introduction To Communication Theory 5Ed - West - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp.393.000
26 - 9780071314527 - Introduction To Mass Communication 7Ed - Baran - Mc.Graw Hill
27 - 9781259071546 - Introduction To Mass Communication 7Ed - Baran - Mc.Graw Hill
28 - 9780071317153 - Introduction To Mass Communication 7Ed:Media Literacy & Culture - Baran
- Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.326.000
29 - 9780071316323 - Mass Media In A Changing World 4Ed:History,Industry,Controversy - Rodman
- Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.337.000
30 - 9781259010811 - Media Ethics 8Ed:Issues & Cases - Patterson - Mc.Graw Hill
31 - 9781133311386 - Media Impact 11Ed:Introduction To Mass Media - Biagi - Cengage
Learning -Rp.520.000
32 - 9781111829537 - Media/Impact 10Ed:An Introduction To Mass Media - Biagi - Wadsworth
Cengage Learning -Rp.452.000
33 - 9780071310727 - Public Relations 4Ed:The Profession - Lattimore - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp.412.000
34 - 9780071315784 - Public Relations 4Ed:The Profession & The Practice - Lattimore
- Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.432.000
35 - 9781111836825 - Public Relations Cases 9Ed:Int'L Edition - Hayes - Wadsworth
Cengage Learning -Rp.339.000
36 - 9781259060373 - Public Relations Writing 8Ed - Bivins - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
37 - 9781259253911 - Public Speaking Matters - Floyd - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.