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Buku Matematika |
Buku Matematika
No - ISBN - Judul - Penulis - Penerbit - Harga
1 - 9780691158198 - 9 Algorithms That Changed The Future - Maccormick - Princeton
University Press -Rp. 316.000
2 - 9781118104095 - Advanced Engineering Math 10Ed+Wileyplus - Kreyszig -
Wiley -Rp. 639.000
3 - 0495082376 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics - O'Neil - Thomson -Rp.
4 - 9781118308080 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics 10Ed+Wileyplus - Kreyszig -
Wiley -Rp. 513.000
5 - 9781111427429 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics 7Ed:(Ie) - O'Neil - Cengage
Learning -Rp. 695.000
6 - 9780471728979 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics 9Ed - Kreyszig - Wiley
-Rp. 428.000
7 - 9789814366939 - Advances In Wave Turbulence Series A Vl.83 - Shrira - World
Scientific -Rp. 2.171.000
8 - 9780321372918 - Algorithm Design - Kleinberg - Addison-Wesley -Rp.
9 - 0412042312 - An Introduction To The Bootstrap/98 - Efron - Chapman -Rp.
10 - 9780070182820 - Applied Calculus 10Ed:For Business,Economics (Expanded Ed) - Hoffmann
- Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 401.000
11 - 9780135143506 - Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis 6Ed - Johnson - Prentice
Hall -Rp. 446.000
12 - 9780470894279 - Applied Statistics & Probability 5Ed+Wileyplus - Montgomery -
Wiley -Rp. 604.000
13 - 9780123884282 - Approximation & Optim Of Dicreate & Diff Inclusions - Mahmudoc
- Elsevier -Rp. 1.897.000
14 - 9789814508469 - Back-Of-The-Envelope Quantum Mechanics - Olshanii - World
Scientific -Rp. 913.000
15 - 9781285057125 - Basic College Mathematics 10Ed - Aufmann - Cengage Learning
-Rp. 610.000
16 - 9781292023694 - Basic College Mathematics 11Ed - Bittinger --Rp.
17 - 9780763773182 - Basic Real Analysis (Hc) - Howland - Jones And Bartlett
Publishers -Rp. 2.225.000
18 - 9784864970198 - Bohr-Jessen Limit Theorem Vol 31 - Takanobu -
-Rp. 605.000
19 - 9780521847520 - Boolean Models & Methods Math,Com Science & Eng (Hc):134 - Crama
- Cambridge -Rp. 3.240.000
20 - 9781584883487 - Business Economics And Finance With Matlab,Gis,And Simulatio - Anderson
- Chapman & Hall/Crc -Rp. 1.172.000
21 - 9780321687777 - Calculus (Sc):Int'L Edition - Briggs --Rp.
22 - 0071248064 - Calculus (Updated) 2Ed+Reg.Code/05 - Smith - Mc.Graw Hill
-Rp. 424.000
23 - 9781118092408 - Calculus 10Ed:Early Transcendentals (Sc) Int'L Stdnt Version - Anton
- Wiley -Rp. 804.000
24 - 9781118092484 - Calculus 10Ed:Late Transcendentals (Sc) Int'L Stdnt Version - Anton
- Wiley -Rp. 577.000
25 - 9781118323694 - Calculus 10Ed+Wileyplus:Early Transcendentals - Anton - Wiley
-Rp. 758.000
26 - 9781118408124 - Calculus 10Ed+Wileyplus:Late Transcendentals - Anton - Wiley
-Rp. 713.000
27 - 9780071310710 - Calculus 11Ed:For Business,Economics,& The Social - Hoffmann
- Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 355.000
28 - 9780071107518 - Calculus 3Ed (Sc):Early Transcendental Functions - Smith -
Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 356.000
29 - 0130950068 - Calculus 6Ed+Cd-Rom/02 - Edwards - Prentice Hall -Rp.
30 - 9780470183472 - Calculus 9Ed:Single Variable (Hc) - Anton - Wiley -Rp.
31 - 0071112014 - Calculus Concepts & Connections+Student Access Kit/06 - Smith -
Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 339.000
32 - 9780071393089 - Calculus Demystified A Self Teaching Guide/03 - Krantz - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 276.000
33 - 9780321673176 - Calculus For Biology & Medicine 3Ed - Neuhauser -
-Rp. 514.000
34 - 9781285091105 - Calculus Of A Single Variable 10Ed (Ie) - Larson - Cengage Learning
-Rp. 587.000
35 - 9781118318843 - Calculus Single Variable+Multivariable 6Ed - Hallett - Wiley
-Rp. 690.000
36 - 9781118657126 - Calculus Single Variable+Multivariable 6Ed+Wileyplus - Hallett -
Wiley -Rp. 741.000
37 - 9784864970181 - Cauchy Problem For Noneffectively Vl 30 - Nishitani -
-Rp. 503.000
38 - 9780321710826 - College Mathematics 12Ed:For Business - Barnett --Rp.
39 - 9780071263283 - Complex Variables & Applications 8Ed - Brown - Mc.Graw Hill
-Rp. 333.000
40 - 9781259072772 - Complex Variables & Applications 9Ed - Brown - Mc.Graw Hill
-Rp. 434.000
41 - 0071233652 - Complex Variables And Applications 7Ed/04 - Brown - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 167.000
42 - 9789814520430 - Concise Treatise On Quantum Mechanics - Curtright - World
Scientific -Rp. 913.000
43 - 9780471487357 - Design And Analysis Of Experiments 6Ed (Hc) - Montgomery -
Wiley -Rp. 2.379.000
44 - 9780824706814 - Differential Equations & Control Theory Vol.225:Lecture Notes In Pure -
Aizicovici - Marcel Dekker,Inc. -Rp. 4.560.000
45 - 9780071310420 - Differential Equations For Enginer & Scientists - Cengel - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 411.000
46 - 0071111514 - Differential Equations: A Modelling Approach/05 - Ledder - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 281.000
47 - 9780071111515 - Differential Equations:Modeling Approach(Hc) - Ledder - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 480.000
48 - 9780691158211 - Digital Dice - Nahin - Princeton University Press -Rp.
49 - 9781446249185 - Discovering Statistics Using Ibm Spss 4Ed - Field - Sage
Publications -Rp. 367.000
50 - 9781292022611 - Discreate Mathematics 7Ed - Johnsonbaugh --Rp.
51 - 9780071315012 - Discrete Mathematics & Its Application 7Ed - Rosen - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 384.000
52 - 9780071244749 - Discrete Mathematics & Its Applications 6Ed - Rosen - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 167.000
53 - 9780138150372 - Discrete-Event System Simulation 5Ed - Banks --Rp.
54 - 9780883855591 - Early Mathematics Of Leonhard Euler, The (Hc) - Sandifer -
Mathematical Asc. Of America -Rp. 1.047.000
55 - 9780205690053 - Elementary & Middle School Mathematics 7Ed - Walle - Prentice
Hall -Rp. 354.000
56 - 9780470398739 - Elementary Diff Equa & Boundry Value Problem 9Ed - Boyce -
Wiley -Rp. 542.000
57 - 9781118323618 - Elementary Differential Equation & Bound 10Ed - Boyce - Wiley
-Rp. 611.000
58 - 9780470561577 - Elementary Linear Algebra 10Ed:With Supplemental Applications International
Student Version - Anton - Wiley -Rp. 515.000
59 - 9781118919934 - Elementary Linear Algebra 11Ed+Wileyplus - Anton - Wiley
-Rp. 792.000
60 - 9780470894125 - Elementary Linear Algebra With App 10Ed+Wileyplus - Anton -
Wiley -Rp. 670.000
61 - 9780071317016 - Elementary Statistics - Navidi - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
62 - 9781259071881 - Elementary Statistics 6Ed+Cd:A Step By Step Approach - Bluman -
Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 415.000
63 - 9781259252099 - Elementary Statistics 9Ed:Step By Step Approach - Bluman - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 445.000
64 - 9780495668206 - Elements Of Advanced Engineering Math (Ie) - O'Neil - Cengage
Learning -Rp. 627.000
65 - 9780763779474 - Elements Of Real Analysis (Hc) - Denlinger - Jones And Bartlett
Publishers -Rp. 2.542.000
66 - 9789814603256 - E-Recursion,Forcing & C-Algebras Vol 27 - Chong - World Scientific
-Rp. 743.000
67 - 9780470018569 - Essential Mathematics 3Ed:For Economics And Business - Bradley -
Wiley -Rp. 460.000
68 - 9781118358290 - Essential Mathematics 4Ed - Bradley - Wiley -Rp.
69 - 9781118751480 - Essential Mathematics 4Ed+Wileyplus:For Economics - Bradley -
Wiley -Rp. 651.000
70 - 9781259095047 - Essential Statistics+Cd - Navidi - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
71 - 9780763758714 - Essentials Of Applied Quantitative Methods - Lewis - Jones And
Bartlett Publishers -Rp. 1.998.000
72 - 9781284056242 - Essentials Of Discrete Mathematics 3Ed - Hunter - Jones And Bartlett
Publishers -Rp. 458.000
73 - 9781285051246 - Essentials Of Statistics For The Beha 8Ed - Gravetter -
Cengage Learning -Rp. 508.000
74 - 9781118032121 - Explorations Of Mathematical Models In Biology - Shahin - Wiley
-Rp. 829.000
75 - 9781285056357 - Finite Mathematics & App 6Ed (Ie) - Waner - Cengage Learning
-Rp. 610.000
76 - 9780321526526 - Finite Mathematics 9Ed - Lial - Pearson Addison Wesley -Rp.
77 - 9780495556220 - First Course In Differential Equations 9Ed - Zill - Cengage
Learning -Rp. 406.000
78 - 9789812836540 - First Course In Probability & Statistics - Rao - World
Scientific -Rp. 845.000
79 - 9780321866813 - First Course In Probability 9Ed - Ross --Rp.
80 - 9781292024929 - First Course In Probability 9Ed - Ross --Rp.
81 - 9780824756277 - First Graduate Course In Abstract Algebra - Wickless -
Crc Press -Rp. 2.095.000
82 - 9780071086158 - Fourier Series & Boundary Value Problem 8Ed - Brown - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 299.000
83 - 9780071259170 - Fourier Series & Boundary Value Problems 7Ed - Brown - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 254.000
84 - 9781118583197 - Functions Modeling Change 5Ed:Preparation For - Connally -
Wiley -Rp. 655.000
85 - 9780321504760 - Fundamentals Of Differential Equations 7Ed+Cd - Nagle - Pearson
Addison Wesley -Rp. 350.000
86 - 9780321506979 - Fundamentals Of Precalculus 2Ed(Hc) - Dugopolski - Pearson
Addison Wesley -Rp. 1.529.000
87 - 9780071840217 - Gmat Premium 10 Practice Test 2015 - Hasik - Mc.Graw Hill
-Rp. 458.000
88 - 9781118764046 - Growth Curve Modeling (Hc):Theory & Applications - Panik -
Wiley -Rp. 662.000
89 - 9780538738507 - Guiding Children'S Learning Of Mathematics 12Ed Ie - Tipps -
Cengage Learning -Rp. 406.000
90 - 9781412945578 - Introduction Structrl Equatn Model:Spss & Amos - Blunch - Sage
Publications -Rp. 650.000
91 - 9781118588789 - Introduction Statistics 8Ed+Wileyplus - Mann - Wiley -Rp.
92 - 9781118135358 - Introduction To Abstract Algebra 4Ed (Hc) - Nicholson -
Wiley -Rp. 724.000
93 - 9780763774929 - Introduction To Analysis 2Ed (Hc) - Bilodeau - Jones And
Bartlett Publishers -Rp. 2.542.000
94 - 9780470542811 - Introduction To Linear Regression Analy 5Ed - Montgomery -
Wiley -Rp. 758.000
95 - 9781292024998 - Introduction To Mathematical Statistics 7Ed - Hogg -
-Rp. 435.000
96 - 9780198526568 - Introduction To Modern Analysis - Kantorovitz - Oxford Univ.Press
-Rp. 1.653.000
97 - 9781118294406 - Introduction To Probability & Stochastic Processes - Castaneda
- Wiley -Rp. 672.000
98 - 9789814583084 - Introduction To Pseudo Differential 3Ed - Wong - World Scientific
-Rp. 913.000
99 - 9780471433316 - Introduction To Real Analysis 4Ed (Hc) - Bartle - Wiley -Rp.
100 - 9780471625469 - Introduction To The Theory Of Numbers 5Ed - Niven - Wiley
-Rp. 951.000
101 - 9780534423995 - Introductory Applied Biostatistics+Cd (Hc) - Agostino -
Cengage Learning -Rp. 610.000
102 - 9781292021140 - Introductory Mathematical Analysis 13Ed - Haeussler -
-Rp. 480.000
103 - 9780321643889 - Introductory Mathematical Analysis 13Ed:For Business,Economics - Haeussler
- Prentice Hall -Rp. 483.000
104 - 0131276298 - Introductory Mathematical Analysis For Business,Econ.11Ed/05 - Haeussler
- Prentice Hall -Rp. 345.000
105 - 9781118318706 - Introductory Statistics 8Ed:Int'L Student Version - Mann -
Wiley -Rp. 632.000
106 - 9789814583817 - Introductory Topology - Mortad - World Scientific -Rp.
107 - 9781292092232 - Linear Algebra & Its Applications 5Ed - Lay --Rp.
108 - 9780534405960 - Linear Algebra 2Ed:A Modern Introduction+Cd - Poole - Thomson
Brooks/Cole -Rp. 423.000
109 - 9780763782481 - Linear Algebra 7Ed (Hc):With Application - Williams -
Jones And Bartlett Publishers -Rp. 3.857.000
110 - 9780534409159 - Linear Algebra An Interactive Approach (Hc) - Jain - Thomson
Brooks/Cole -Rp. 451.000
111 - 9780534409159 - Linear Algebra An Interactive Approach (Hc)+Cd-Rom/04 - Jain -
Thomson Brooks/Cole -Rp. 428.000
112 - 9781259072994 - Linear Algebra With Applications 7Ed - Nicholson - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 356.000
113 - 9781118315323 - Loss Models 4Ed (Hc) - Klugman - Wiley -Rp. 724.000
114 - 9789048198023 - Mapping Equity & Quality In Math Education - Atweh - Springer
-Rp. 2.407.000
115 - 9780471198260 - Mathematical Methods In The Physical Sciencs 3Ed (Hc) - Boas -
Wiley -Rp. 655.000
116 - 0891168753 - Mathematical Modeling &Cmptr Smltn Of Prcss In Enrgy Sys./90 - Hanjalic
- Hemisphere Publication Service -Rp. 8.075.000
117 - 9780132449021 - Mathematical Thinking 2Ed:Problem-Solving & Proofs - D'Angelo
- Pearson Education -Rp. 497.000
118 - 1402037813 - Mathematics & Mechanics Of Granular Materials - Hill - Springer
-Rp. 2.730.000
119 - 9780273763567 - Mathematics For Economics & Business 7Ed - Jacques -
-Rp. 478.000
120 - 9780273701958 - Mathematics For Economics & Business 5Ed - Jacques - Prentice
Hall -Rp. 458.000
121 - 0521559138 - Mathematics For Economics And Finance Methods & Modelling/00 - Anthony
- Cambridge -Rp. 223.000
122 - 9780071310024 - Mathematics For Elementary Teachers 8Ed+Manipu Kit - Bennett -
Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 412.000
123 - 9781401815813 - Mathematics For Machine Technology 5Ed - Smith - Thomson Delmar
Learning -Rp. 1.144.000
124 - 9789048146901 - Mathematics For Tomorrow'S Young Children - Mansfield -
Kluwer Academic Publishers -Rp. 3.257.000
125 - 9781111579104 - Mathematics Its Power & Utility 10Ed - Smith - Cengage Learning
-Rp. 581.000
126 - 9780495244516 - Matlab Programming For Engineers 4Ed - Chapman - Cengage Learning
-Rp. 610.000
127 - 9780883853061 - Maxima And Minima Without Calculus (Hc) - Niven --Rp.
128 - 9780071798723 - Mcgraw-Hill'S 500 Questions Statistics - Mccune - Mc.Graw Hill
-Rp. 276.000
129 - 9780470178966 - Methods Of Multivariate Analysis 3Ed (Hc) - Rencher - Wiley
-Rp. 860.000
130 - 9780071598446 - Mgh Gmat 2009:10 Practice Tests - Hasik - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
131 - 9780071592307 - Mgh Sat 2009:10 Practice Tests - Black - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
132 - 9780071625500 - Mgh Sat 2010: 10 Practice Tests - Black - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
133 - 9780824793371 - Nonparametric Regression & Spline 2Ed - Eubank - Crc Press
-Rp. 2.095.000
134 - 9780538735643 - Numerical Analysis 9Ed:Int'L Edition - Burden - Cengage Learning
-Rp. 406.000
135 - 9781118077504 - Numerical Analysis With Aplications In Mechanics - Teodorescu
- Wiley -Rp. 2.220.000
136 - 9781118554937 - Numerical Methods 3Ed (Hc):For Engineers & Scienctists - Gilat -
Wiley -Rp. 702.000
137 - 9780071267595 - Numerical Methods For Engineers 6Ed - Chapra - Mc.Graw Hill
-Rp. 361.000
138 - 9789814670876 - Numerical Methods For Engineers 7Ed - Chapra - Mc.Graw Hill
-Rp. 446.000
139 - 9780470596692 - Optimal Learning (Hc) - Powell - Wiley -Rp. 702.000
140 - 9780471690733 - Partial Diff Equation Of App Mathematics 3Ed (Hc) - Zauderer
- Wiley-Interscience -Rp. 655.000
141 - 9780071778435 - Practice Makes Perfect Linear Algebra - Clark - Mc.Graw Hill
-Rp. 248.000
142 - 9781118122372 - Probability & Measure (Hc) - Billingsley - Wiley -Rp.
143 - 9780131293823 - Probability & Statistical Inference 7Ed+Cd - Hogg - Pearson
Prentice Hall -Rp. 288.000
144 - 9780071181815 - Probability,Random Variables & Random Signal 4Ed - Peebles -
Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 335.000
145 - 9781119973348 - Programming The Finite Element Method 5Ed - Smith - Wiley
-Rp. 734.000
146 - 9784864970174 - Projective Representations & Spin Vl.29 - Hirai --Rp.
147 - 9780873896399 - Quality Toolbox 2Ed - Tague - Asq American Society For Quali
-Rp. 1.432.000
148 - 0387989668 - S Programming - Venables - Springer -Rp.
149 - 9781118322574 - Statistical Quality Control 7Ed - Montgomery - Wiley -Rp.
150 - 9780321807281 - Statistics 12Ed+Cd - Mcclave --Rp. 2.237.000
151 - 9780071102223 - Statistics 2Ed:For Engineers & Scientists - Navidi - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 310.000
152 - 9780538735919 - Statistics 4Ed:Int'L Edition - Heckard - Cengage Learning
-Rp. 564.000
153 - 9781292023298 - Statistics For Business & Econ 12Ed+Cd - Mcclave --Rp.
154 - 9780071222051 - Statistics For Engineers & Scientists 3Ed - Navidi - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 335.000
155 - 9781259251603 - Statistics For Engineers & Scientists 4Ed - Navidi - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 424.000
156 - 0071117237 - Statistics For Engineers And Scientists (Hc)/06 - Navidi - Mc.Graw
Hill -Rp. 344.000
157 - 0071117233 - Statistics For Engineers And Scientists+Cd-Rom/06 - Navidi -
Mc.Graw Hill -Rp. 167.000
158 - 9780471718130 - Statistics For Experimenters 2Ed (Hc) - Box - Wiley-Interscience
-Rp. 860.000
159 - 9780136153542 - Statistics For The Behavioral And Social Sciences 4Ed - Aron -
Prentice Hall -Rp. 480.000
160 - 9780849380716 - Stochastic Calculus:A Practical Introduction (Hc) - Durrett -
Crc Press -Rp. 1.625.000
161 - 9780071243261 - Theory Of Interest 2Ed - Kellison - Mc.Graw Hill -Rp.
162 - 9780071243261 - Theory Of Interest 2Ed,The - Kellison - Mc.Graw Hill
-Rp. 167.000
163 - 9789814460842 - Transformation Groups & Lie Algebras - Ibragimov - World
Scientific -Rp. 1.049.000
164 - 9781133954248 - Trinogometry 9Ed (Ie) - Larson - Cengage Learning -Rp.
165 - 9781133109983 - Understanding Basic Statistics 6Ed:(Ie) - Brase - Cengage Learning
-Rp. 542.000
166 - 9780415579285 - Unlocking Mathematics Teaching 2Ed - Koshy - Routledge
-Rp. 497.000
167 - 9780321526809 - Using And Understanding Mathematics 4Ed:Quantitative Reasoni - Bennett
- Pearson Addison Wesley -Rp. 656.000
168 - 9780205459384 - Using Multivariate Statistics 5Ed (Hc) - Tabachnick - Pearson
Allyn And Bacon -Rp. 2.634.000